Vol. 4 Ch. 35 Running Errands

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Your POV

After Ruby had left, I went back upstairs to check on Yang  and heard her say, "Why didn't you just go with them?" I stopped, sighed, and said, "Because I'm not giving up on you." She didn't give me a response so I just sighed, headed to the kitchen, and started making breakfast.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Qrow dancing)

It had been months since Ruby and the remainder of Team JNPR left. Yang was still being kinda distant to me but I didn't mind. She just needs time, I thought. Since Yang had asked me to leave her alone, I decided that I'd go into town and take care of a few things. I found Tai in the kitchen and I said, "Hey, Tai, you wouldn't mind if I married Yang, would you?" He smirked and said, "Of course not. I know that you care a lot about her." I nodded and said, "Well, I'm going to town for a few things. You want me to get anything while I'm there?" Tai nodded and said, "Yeah, could you maybe get a few groceries from the store and some food for Zwei?" I nodded and said, "Sure thing, I'll be back later." I went upstairs and grabbed my weapons and the old ring box that had Julia's wedding ring in it along with mine. I paused by Yang's room and said, "Hey, Yang. I know that you want me to leave you alone. But just know that if you want to talk, all you have to do is ask. I know how you feel, trust me." She looked at me, but said nothing. I smiled warmly at her and said, "I'm going into town for a while, so feel free to call my Scroll if you need me. I love you, Yang Xiao Long." Then I headed towards the stairs, but I paused when I heard, "Y/N, wait." I turned and saw Yang standing in the hallway by her door. She said, "Thanks, Y/N. You can take Bumblebee if you want." I nodded and said, "No problem, Goldilocks." I went downstairs, found the keys to Bumblebee, and went to the shed. I pulled the tarp off of Bumblebee and pushed it out of the shed. I got on and started the motorcycle up and drove in to town.

When I got there, I parked the bike and went into the jewelry store. I went over to the employee by the counter and said, "You guys do custom work, right?" He nodded and said, "Yes, what kind of thing were you thinking about getting?" I pulled out the ring box and said, "This is my grandmother's wedding ring, but since I have 2 girlfriends, I was wondering if you could split the ring into 2 separate but identical wedding rings. Could you do that?" The guy looked at the ring and said, "It might take a day or two, but I could definitely get it done." I smiled and said, "Thanks, how much would I owe you?" He smiled and said, "About 300 Lien, is that alright?" I nodded and paid him. I gave him my Scroll number so he could let me know when it's done. I managed to get some Dust ammunition for my weapons and some rounds for the half of Yang's Ember Celica that she still has. I grabbed the groceries that Tai had asked for along with some food for Zwei. After I had everything, I put it in the storage compartment of Bumblebee and drove back to Xiao Long-Rose house. I parked the bike in the shed and brought the groceries and stuff inside. I placed the items on the counter. Then I started playing with Zwei, who was barking happily. After a few minutes of playing with him, I heard a familiar voice call from the stairway and it said, "Hey, Y/N. Can we talk in my room for a bit?" I looked up at Yang and said, "Sure." Then I got up and followed Yang up the stairs to her room.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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