Vol. 1 Ch. 2 Old Memories

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Your POV

I got a message from Oz on my Scroll telling me that I could stay in my usual dorm room that I had used before when I stayed at Beacon. I smirked and headed to my old dorm. When I got there, I used my Scroll to unlock the door and went inside. Inside the room, everything was exactly how I had left it the last time I stayed here, except for the layer of dust on everything. I quickly used my semblance to see if anyone would be interrupting me, then I quickly cleaned up the room. Once I was satisfied with cleaning up, I took off my trench coat, which left me shirtless, and set it on the chair. I took my sunglasses off of my head and set the on the nightstand. I opened the drawer of the nightstand and saw an old golden necklace with a yellow gemstone in it. It was the same necklace that I had gotten for Julia on our 1 year anniversary. I had left it in the drawer when Julia died. I sighed and closed the drawer. I laid down on my double bed and got comfortable. It's been a long time since I've been in this bed, I thought. I sighed again and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Dream of a Past Memory

I was with Julia walking through Mistral on our honeymoon. I looked at her and said, "Hey, Jules. I still can't believe that you said yes to marrying me. Even after I told you about my 1st semblance." She smiled and said, "Well, I love you so much. Even though you'll probably still be alive after I die, I can still grow old with you." I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back. Then she whispered something into my ear that made me smile, "I'm pregnant, Y/N." I smiled and said, "R-really?" She nodded happily and I hugged her tightly.

End of Dream

I was woken up by a knock on the door. I groaned as I got up and went over to the door. I opened it and found Glynda standing there. I smiled at her and said, "Hey, Glynda. It's nice to see you again." She smiled and said, "It's nice to see you again, Y/N." She hugged me and said, "I missed you honestly." I smiled and said, "You know I have my reasons." She nodded and said, "Well, I got to go. It was nice seeing you again." Glynda was a descendant of Julia's stepsister. Unfortunately the rest of the Goodwitch family had died when Glynda was just starting Beacon as a student. But Oz told me about Glynda, so I had told her who I really was. Needless to say, she didn't believe me at first. It wasn't until she looked into it and found out that I was telling her the truth.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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