Vol. 3 Ch. 32 The Fall

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Your POV

I was getting Yang something from the cafeteria and was heading back towards her dorm. I heard what sounded like a wall being blown down in the library. I peeked down the hall and saw that there were members of the White Fang letting Grimm into the school. I dropped the food I had grabbed and ran towards Yang's dorm, stabbing any Grimm I could along the way with Equinox and Paradox in their sword forms. As I ran in and quickly shut the door behind me, Yang stared at me, slightly startled, and said, "Whoa! Calm down, babe. What is it?" I looked at her and said, "Grab Ember Celica, you're going to need them." She looked at me confused and asked, "Why?" I replied, "Because Beacon is under attack. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school." Yang went wide-eyed and grabbed her gauntlets. I turned to Zwei and said, "Hey, boy, you ready to fight some Grimm?" He barked twice in response. Then we both heard something bang on the door. I converted my weapons into their Deagle forms and held them up, ready to fire. I smirked as I slid my sunglasses over my eyes and said to Yang, "You ready to kick some Grimm butt?" She smirked and replied, "Always!" Then a Beowolf busted down the door. We killed it and ran out of the dorm. As we were fighting off any Grimm in our way, Yang and I tried calling Ruby, but she didn't answer.

Suddenly, Yang's Scroll rang and it was Blake, who said, "Yang, are you okay?" Yang replied, "I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her Scroll." Blake answered, "No, she isn't." At those words, Yang and I both stopped in our tracks with a worried expression on our face. Then Blake said, "Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself." Yang closed her eyes and curled her fist into a ball and said hesitantly, "Right." Yang and I continued forward with Zwei and turned the next corner of the hallways. Weiss said over the Scrolls, "This can't be happening. Penny..." I spoke up and said, "Yang and I are headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!" Blake was alarmed and replied, "The White Fang is here!?" More Grimm approached us and started growling, and Blake yelled, "Yang! Y/N!" Yang replied, "Ugh! Gotta go!" I said, "Be careful! Weiss, I love you!" She replied, "I love you too." Then the call ended.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N buying Chibi Neo a new tub of neapolitan ice cream)

Eventually, we found Weiss and some other students fighting against a rogue Atlesian Paladin. I rushed to help. I ran at it with Equinox and Paradox in their sword form, jumped up, and stabbed them into the side of the Paladin. It shook me off and flung me into the air. I used this to my advantage and cut off the Paladin's arm as I flew back down. After the Paladin had powered down. Weiss doubled over, exhausted, leaning on Myrtenaster to keep herself standing. I went over to her and I said, "Weiss! You're okay!" Then Yang said, "Have you heard from Ruby?" She shook her head and Yang asked, "What about Blake?" Weiss answered, "She went after an Alpha..." Then she pointed in the direction that Blake ran and continued, "And some members of the White Fang." Then Yang said, "You look for Ruby. We'll meet up with Blake." She nodded and I said, "Wait." I gave Weiss a quick, but passionate, kiss on the lips and said, "Stay safe, Snowflake. I love you." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Blue." Then Yang and I hurried off in the direction that Weiss pointed, while the heiress gave a thumbs up. Suddenly a bunch of Ursai and Beowolves came towards us. I looked at Yang and said, "You go find Blake, I'll take care of the Grimm. I love you, Goldilocks. Be safe." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Knucklehead. You be safe as well." I smirked and said, "Hey, this is me we're talking about. I'm immortal." She smiled before continuing in the direction where Weiss had pointed.

After I had easily killed the Grimm, I ran towards the direction that Yang had gone. When I found her and Blake, they were in the now destroyed cafeteria being approached by none other then Adam Taurus. I saw that Yang was unconscious and was missing an arm and Blake was unable to move. As Adam continued to approach them, I called out to him and said, "Hey, Taurus! Yeah you, the dummy with the horns!" He turned to face me and said, "Oh look at this, another one of Blake's friends." I frowned and said, "Leave my friends alone!" He laughed and said, "What are you going to do if I don't?" I held up my Deagles and said, "I'll make you regret it!" Then I shot his hand, knocking the sword out of his grip. He ran at me and went to punch me, but I caught his fist. Raged and confused, he asked, "Who are you?" I smirked slightly and said, "I go by many names. The Ageless Fighter, The Nameless Huntsman, and The Stranger In Blue are just a few of them." He looked at me slightly shocked and grabbed his sword. As he went to stab me, I saw Blake sneak away with Yang in her arms since Adam was being distracted by me. Then Adam stabbed me in the chest. I held my chest where he'd stabbed me, as he smirked and said, "Looks like you're not such a great legend and hero after all. You're just a big failure." I smiled and said, "Think again!" Then I pulled his sword out of my chest with ease. He looked at me in shock and said, "How?" I smirked and said, "I'll tell you how." I threw his sword to the ground and said, "I'm immortal, bitch!" Then I hit him with an uppercut and knocked him out.

I started towards where the others were and saw Qrow fighting off some Grimm by himself. I pulled out Equinox and Paradox, which were still in their Deagle forms, and helped Qrow with the Grimm. We were back to back and I said, "Just like old times, eh, Qrow?" He smirked and replied, "Just like old times." After we finished the horde of Grimm that we were fighting, I saw a bright white light from the top of Beacon Tower.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now