Vol. 5 Ch. 49 Sacrifices Must Be Made

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Your POV

I noticed that time had seemingly stopped. I looked around confused as I noticed a few bullets here and there that were frozen in midair. Then I heard a familiar voice say, "Well, I believe that this is a slight bit unacceptable, especially for you." I turned and saw the ghostly transparent figures of Julia slowly approaching me. She looked at me and I said with tears in my eyes, "I can't lose another person I love. Not again, not like I lost you!" Julia slapped me and said, "Stop your complaining, you Knucklehead! The man I married and fell in love with wouldn't let something like this stop him. He'd keep fighting. Besides if I were you, I'd used my semblance to see that your crying is pointless and unnecessary." I looked at her and said, "I can't do anything to save her with my immortality." She slapped me again and said, "Your other semblance, Knucklehead!" I went wide-eyed and looked ahead a few minutes into the future. I saw Jaune using the semblance he just unlocked to amplifier Weiss' aura, healing her. I stopped, looked at Jules, and kissed her. We shared an amazing kiss. When we pulled away, she placed her hand on my cheek and said, "Y/N, I know that you feel that your immortality is a curse, but instead of making tons of regrets, use your immortality to protect those without it. Besides, I know that your immortality will end when the time is right. You just have to be ready to accept any and everything that is thrown at you until then. Now wipe away those tears and fight for what's right. Become the Nameless Huntsman once more!" I wiped away my tears and said, "Thanks, Jules. I needed this. I love you." She smiled and faded away.

As time slowly started to resume, I closed my eyes and gripped Paradox and Equinox tighter. As Emerald pulled her sickles out of my torso, I smirked and stood up. Shocked and slightly scared, Emerald said, "How? You should be pretty much dead! I stabbed you in the heart." I smirked and said, "Well, there's one thing I guess you don't know." She looked at me in shock and I said, "I'm the Ageless Fighter and the Nameless Huntsman." She looked at me shocked and said, "But that guy's dead and just a legend." I smirked even more and said, "No, I'm not dead. I'm immortal, bitch." I punched her across the room and said, "Hey, Cinder! You ever heard of the fairy tale, The Blue Time Traveler, or the legend of the Nameless Huntsman?" Cinder looked at me, confused, and slowly nodded. I smirked and said, "Well, it's my fucking autobiography!" She looked at me shocked as I ran up to her and sucker punched her in the jaw. The two of us began to interlock into a one-on-one hand-to-hand combat fight. Suddenly, Hazel punched me into the wall, briefly stunning me. Before I could do anything else, Cinder summoned a sword and cut my head off.

3rd Person POV

Yang looked at Y/N and watched as his body went completely limp and slid onto the floor up against the wall, while his head rolled onto the floor. She stared in disbelief at her fiancé's now lifeless body and she cried out, saying, "Y/N, NO!" Cinder smiled and said, "So much for the legendary Huntsman." Cinder turned to Lionheart and said, "Leo! Open the path to the vault!"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now