Vol. 4 Ch. 39 Ready For Pickup

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Your POV

After lunch, I felt my Scroll go off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw a message from the jewelry store.

I smiled and said, "I've got to head back to town for something I ordered yesterday

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I smiled and said, "I've got to head back to town for something I ordered yesterday. It wasn't available when I was there, so I ordered one. I'll be back later." Tai walked over to me and said, "Hey, I got a message that a package arrived for Yang at the post office and I need to pick up a few other things. You wouldn't mind if we walked to town together, would you?" I smiled and said, "Not at all." Then Tai and I both left for town together. When we got to town, we split up and went off on our own. I got to the jewelry store, I walked up to the counter, and said, "Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. I'm here to pick up my custom order." The man behind the counter nodded and said, "Give me a sec. Ah, here it is." He placed two small ring boxes onto the counter and said, "Here's your custom rings. Each one has parts of the material of the original throughout them. We split the diamond in multiple equal pieces and then mixed the fragments into 2 identical crystal molds and added some quartz fragments in to fill the empty area. Then we molded them together to make two equal jewels for the rings." (A/N: FYI, I just made up a bunch of crap as I described what they did to the ring, so just go with it)

I opened the ring boxes and saw two beautiful and identical wedding rings. I smiled and said, "They're absolutely perfect, thanks." I gave him a tip for all the hard work and left. I put the ring boxes in my inside jacket pocket and headed to the house. I walked into the door and said, "I'm back." I saw as Yang, who was in the living room on the couch, leaned her head backward on the couch, looking up at me. Then she said, "Hey, Y/N." I walked into the room and said to her, "Do you mind if we cuddled up on the couch and watch TV?" She smiled and said, "I'd like that." Then I gave her a peck on the lips and said, "I love you." She smiled and said, "I love you too." Then we cuddled together and watched some TV while we waited for Tai to return.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Jules getting married during a flashback)

Yang and I were sitting on her couch watching TV. The reporter that was on said, "...with no end in sight. Try as they might, the local Huntsmen and Huntresses can't seem to get a hold of the situation at Beacon Academy." Yang changed the channel and the reporter on that channel said, "...though the fail-safes have supported wireless communication within the kingdom, the loss of the CCT Tower continues to prevent contact with the outside world. Talks with Atlas officials regarding repairs have so far─" Yang changed the channel again and that reporter said, "Multiple rumors continue to circulate as to who was behind the attacks at the Vytal Festival Tournament. "While no one knows for sure, officials have confirmed that high-ranking White Fang member, Adam Taurus was present for the attack. Any and all attempts to bring him into custody have been met with brutal force─" Yang turned off the TV and I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Just then, Tai came inside, carrying three boxes with two bags hanging from his forearms, and said, "Guess what came in today!" The door shut behind Tai as he walked into the living room. Yang looked at him and asked, "What?" He smiled and said, "I can't wait for you to try this." He walked into another room to unload, while on the couch, Yang looked somewhat interested. Taiyang returned, carrying one long white box. He set it on the coffee table in front of us, revealing the Kingdom of Atlas symbol on it. She looked at it and didn't move. Tai stood there and said, "Well?" Yang said, "It's... for me?" Tai nodded and said, "For you and you only." Yang lifted the lid off the box to reveal a robotic right arm. Yang looked it over, somewhat wide-eyed while her father gushed. She blinked and her eyes drooped a bit, revealing she was more distressed than pleased. Then Tai said, "Brand new, state of the art Atlas tech. You know, I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings, call in a few favors, but you earned this one all on your own, kiddo." Yang replied, as she looked up, "Huh?" Tai said, "Before I could even talk to him, General Ironwood already had one of his top scientists working on this, for you. He wanted me to tell you that you fought admirably. You should be proud of yourself." I added and said, "I didn't even have to call in any favors either." Yang looked up at her father but said nothing. Then Tai asked, "Well? You going to try it on?" Yang answered, "I uh... I'm not feeling too great right now. Maybe later?" Tai deflated a bit and put his hand to the back of his neck as he sighed and considered how best to respond. Then he said, "Well, alright." Yang got up and walked up the stairs, Tai and I gave her each an encouraging smile as she passed in front of us. She paused partway up the steps, turning in his direction, and said, "Thanks, Dad." Then Yang continued upstairs as a visibly disheartened Tai bowed his head. I placed my hand on his shoulder and said, "Just give her time, Tai. She come back around eventually, trust me." He smiled and said, "I know. Thanks, Y/N."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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