Vol. 6 Ch. 57 Reactions

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3rd Person POV

Back at Saphron's home, Jaune punches the wall, leaving a very large crack in it. Ruby responded, "Jaune!" Jaune yelled, "Everything we did was for nothing!" Blake replied, "That's not true." Nora said angrily, "Really? Cuz it sure does sound like it." Blake answered, "I, um..." Ren said, "If Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?" Everyone remains silent for a moment before Jaune said sarcastically, "Wow... Great plan everyone!" Oscar then said, "Look, none of this is great, we know. But we're not the bad guys here." Jaune got hostile towards Oscar and said, "Are we sure about that?" He replied, "What?" Jaune answered, "He's in your head, isn't he? Did you already know about this?" Then Jaune angrily walked over to Oscar and Weiss said, "He didn't know any of it!" Jaune grabbed Oscar, shoved him against the wall, and said, "Thankfully, Y/N's gone already. We never should've trusted him." Then Jaune gestured to Oscar and said, "How much longer can we even trust him?!" Yang replied, "Jaune!" Jaune said, "How do we even know it's really him?! What if we have been talking to that liar this whole time?!" Ruby yelled at him and said, "Jaune!" Ruby angrily glared at Jaune, who glared back at her. He looked back over to Oscar, who was cowering in fear. Jaune, realizing what he had done, let go of Oscar with an apologetic look on his face. Jaune then went upstairs. A door could be heard opening and slamming shut. Yang spoke up and said, "Is he... gonna be okay?" Nora replied, "I don't know!" She got up and left, and then Ren said, "I think it would be best if we had some time to ourselves." He left and headed upstairs as well. Team RWBY and Oscar remained in the living room, and Blake said, "Maybe we could all use some space." Everyone stayed silent and Oscar looked down sadly.

Qrow's POV

I walked into a bar and noticed a figure wearing a familiar light blue trench coat sitting at the bar. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He noticed me and said, "Hey, Qrow. Glad to see that you and the others made it to Argus." The bartender brought me a glass of Scotch. I took a drink and Y/N said, "I take it that Cordovin was being a bitch like usual?" I nodded and said, "Yep. So now what are you planning on doing?" He sighed and said, "I might stick around undetected for awhile before I go dark again. I'm not 100% sure yet." I nodded and continued to drink my Scotch.

Your POV

Even though part of my immortality didn't allow me to get drunk like everyone else, I still enjoyed a drink every now and then. After drinking for awhile with Qrow, I noticed that he was pretty drunk. I cut him off and paid the bartender. I helped Qrow up and helped him walk to wherever he and everyone else were staying. As we were walking, Qrow said, "Hey, Y/N. I think that you should stay with us and rejoin the others. Yang realized that she made a mistake in telling you to leave. I can tell that she really regrets it. Both her and Weiss miss you more than anything." I smiled as he passed out and I said, "Okay." We arrived at a house at the address he'd given me. I set him down on the stairs and knocked on the door. After about a minute, Oscar answered the door and said, "Y/N? I thought that you were gone for good." I smirked and said, "If Ozpin's thoughts are with yours, you'll know that it's hard for me to leave people who I've made a strong connection with. Where are the others?" He shrugged and said, "I'm not sure. When we told them the truth about Salem, they all got mad so we split up to settle down. So I left to get myself some better looking combat gear, and when I came back the house was empty." I nodded and said, "Then let's make them a hot meal for when they get back." He smiled and said, "Sounds good to me." Then we both went into the kitchen and started cooking.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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