Vol. 5 Ch. 45 Well.....

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Your POV

Weiss, Yang, and I walked into an unoccupied bedroom. Weiss shut the door behind us and said, "Y/N, I've missed you so much, I was wondering if you and I could possibly sleep together tonight without Yang." Yang and I looked at each other awkwardly and Weiss said, "You two haven't had sex together already, have you?" I scratched the back of my neck and said, "Well....." Yang said, "Yes, we have. So I'll sleep in my sister's room tonight so you two can have some alone time between the two of you." Weiss blushed and said, "Oh, okay." Yang left the room and I looked at Weiss. We sat on the bed and I said, "I missed you so much, Snowflake." She kissed me and said, "I missed you too, Blue." I locked lips with Weiss, and she kissed back. The kiss was full of pure love and bliss. Eventually, we had started making out very passionately. When we pulled away for air, Weiss said, "Y/N, I've missed you so much that part of me wants to..." She trailed off and I asked, "Wants to what?" Weiss started blushing a dark crimson red and she said, "Wants to have sex with you." I smiled warmly and said, "Are you sure? Just because Yang and I already have, I don't want you to feel pressured that you have to do it right away. So are you sure?" Weiss nodded, gave me a kiss, and she took off her jacket and her dress as I took off the rest of my clothes. Then I laid Weiss on the bed as we kissed and reached behind her. I unclipped her bra, but she held it in place.

Confused as to why she stopped herself, I looked at her and asked, "Is something wrong?" Weiss replied, "I know they're not as big as Yang's, but..." I smiled and said, "It's okay Weiss, I don't care. You're beautiful the way you are." She smiled and she let it fall, exposing her breasts. I groped them as she moaned at the feeling, then I started sucking on the other, causing her to moan more. I slid my hand down her body, slipped it in her panties, and rubbed her opening. She moaned louder and more frequently, then I stopped sucking on her breasts and took off her panties. I looked at her opening and noticed that she was wet. I went down to her opening and kissed her inner thighs. Then I licked her clit, making Weiss moan, and started to eat out her soaking wet pussy. She moaned with pleasure and she started to suck my dick, using her tongue around the tip, which caused me to let out a soft moan of pleasure. I started to feel some precum begin to leak out of my cock and Weiss started to bob her head even more. I started moving my tongue even faster in her vagina, which made Weiss start to moan like crazy, sending vibrations onto my dick. I moaned in pleasure, sending some of my moans into her wet pussy. I groaned loudly as my dick began to twitch. Weiss started to go faster and started to deepthroat my cock. That sent me over the edge, as I began to release my hot cum straight into her throat. Then Weiss began to squirt into my mouth as she moaned, and then she released my member from her mouth, licking my cum off her lips. Then I flipped us over, lined up my dick with her pussy, and said, "Are you sure that you really want to do this?" She nodded and said, "Yes, Y/N. I want it. I want you to make me yours." I nodded and said, "This may hurt a little at first." She nodded and I slowly went inside her. She winced in pain and I saw a few tears run down her face. I wiped them away with my hand and said, "Take your time, let me know when you're ready."

After a few minutes, Weiss started to move her hips a little. I looked into her eyes and she nodded. Then I pulled out and slam into her and she moans my name. I started to thrust in and out of her tight pussy. She moaned and says, "This feels way better than I imagined it would. Oohhh! Fuck me harder!! Faster!" I started to go faster and harder with each moan. She starts to moan loudly and uncontrollably. Then I groaned and said, "Weiss! I'm gonna cum!" She moaned and said, "I want it inside me, Y/N!" I nodded as I released all of my cum inside of her. I kept thrusting in and out of her pussy. I felt my dick hit something deep in her pussy and she said, "Right there! Keep going, Y/N!" Then we both climaxed together. We both collapsed onto the bed from exhaustion. I stared into Weiss' gorgeous light blue eyes and said, "I love you, Weiss." She panted and said, "I love you too. That was amazing, Y/N. I'm so glad that you were my first." I smiled as Weiss laid her head on my bare chest and said, "I'm so glad that we're back together." I kissed her forehead and said, "As am I, Snowflake." I kissed her hair and she said, "Goodnight, Y/N." I put my arm around her, pulled the covers over us, and said, "Goodnight, Weiss." Then we both drifted off to sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now