Vol. 3 Ch. 33 The Aftermath

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Your POV

I turned to Qrow and said, "I think Ruby just used her silver eyes." He nodded and said, "Let's go find her." I nodded and said, "Yeah, but let me see if I can find a couple things of mine that are important to me first, then I'll come help you." He nodded in understanding and we split up. I headed towards the partially destroyed dormitory. After a few minutes, I found what was left of my dorm. I grabbed the picture of Jules and I together, the picture of Weiss, Yang, and I together, Julia's diary, and Julia's old wedding ring. I put them in my bag and closed the bag. I had already given Julia's necklace to Weiss a couple months back. She had asked about it and I realized that if Weiss and I were ever separated, like in between school years, she'd have something of mine to hold close to her while she was in Atlas. I put my bag on my back and went over to Beacon Tower to help Qrow. After we found Ruby, we brought her back to the safe zone. I was on my way to check on Weiss when I saw her father dragging her out to an SDC Bullhead. She looked like she didn't want to leave, but didn't have a choice either. I blew her a kiss before she disappeared from sight.

Then I headed towards Yang to check on her. She was was conscious, but her arm was gone and she had a circular metallic plate on the stump of her arm. I turned and saw a familiar face that I hadn't seen in a while. I smiled and said, "Hey, Tai, it's been awhile." He smiled and said, "Sure has, Y/N. Now what's this I hear from Qrow about you dating both Yang and one of her teammates?" I smiled and said, "I hope you don't mind, Tai. Besides I already told Yang, Ruby, and their teammates my secret." Tai smiled and said, "I'm just teasing you a bit, man. Of course I don't mind. Besides I know that I can trust you to take good care of my daughter." I smiled and said, "Oh, by the way, is it alright if I stay at your house until Yang's ready to get back out there?" Tai smiled and said, "That's perfectly fine with me, as long as you propose to Yang before you get her pregnant." I blushed slightly and said, "Hey, it's me we're talking about. We both know that I'm smarter than that." We both shared a laugh and then we both put on a more serious look and I said, "So how bad's the damage?" Tai let out a sigh and said, "Communication down across the entire Kingdom, no way to contact the outside world... and Ozpin's still missing." I nodded and Qrow said, "Alright." Tai responded, "This is bad, Qrow." He nodded as he took a swig from his flask and said, "Yeah, this is bad."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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