Character About

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Jeremy; 35, brunette

Father of two, Jason and Spencer McCann. Growing up, his family name had always been top of the crime list - drugs, assault, abuse, gang involvement and even murder cases were listed in his family's crime reports. His life was never simple, his siblings always encouraging Jeremy to make the wrong choices which led often to Jeremy becoming an addict to all sorts of drugs and alcohol - making him an unfit father at times. But he knew he wanted his boys to have the perfect life, so he was determined to fix things.

Jason; 17, blonde

He likes danger, and being an outlaw. He enjoyed the attention because he craved control. Jason was a natural born leader, cocky and witty. He was secretely bisexual, never wanting anyone to know that - especially his many friends. He wanted all eyes on him, whether it was through fear, jealousy or worship, he wanted to be known for something - to leave a mark on society - even if it painted him as a horrible person. He blames it on the McCann curse.

Spencer; 15, sandy brown

Spencer absolutely hated his Family's background, he was one who wanted people to see him as a bright, intelligent human being. Jason made things worse for Spencer, causing him to be quite insecure about how much he loved to learn. He felt like the odd one out of his whole family, but it was his family after all.

Pattie; 34, dark brunette

Pattie had grown up in a church worshipping family, which taught her to value life as an opportunity. At a young age she fell pregnant with her first son, Derek, than a few years later she had another son, Justin. She adored her boys more than life itself. She found herself to enjoy a life of giving, which meant she was the type to work to the max to give other people chanced of happiness. Her life revolved around helping, and it came as no surprise when she became a nurse and veternarian. She loved animals as much as she loved people.

Derek; 16, dark brunette

Derek was the typical teenager, he hated homework, snuck out to parties, tried his best to fake sick so he didnt have to go to school, and was addicted to his phone. He was protective of his younger brother, and weary of the people who came in and out of his life. He fought with his mother of silly things, but thats normal. He found himself to be average... nothing he saw in himself phased him as amazing. He felt dull.

Justin; 14, light brunette

Justin was a positive yet shy kid. He had a mental disability which made him oblivious to a lot of things in life. Doctor's ruled it out as him being autistic, but never classifying how severe his autism was. He had mood swings, and couldnt comprehend a lot of things - which made him feel utterly useless. He didnt understand when people would say certain things, or tell him off for something, because he didn't think like most people did. It made it hard for him to make friends, or be social. He felt trapped in a bubble at times, which made him feel attached to his brother and mother. They were the only people who loved him and sort of understood.

Author's Note; another new story, I knoww xD I cant help it. By the way, please do not be offended by anything I write in this story it is purely fictional and just a story :D

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