˗ˋ 07

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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Despite Sirius informing her of Harry Potter's arrival later that night, it did little to change Aviana's usual routine. However it seemed that everyone else was anticpating his arrival, and the Rosier girl was horrified to find that her presence was now mandatory at their meals, starting with the lunch that day.

But the house fell quiet as members of the Order appeared - Aviana wasn't really supposed to know about that either, but she had been forced to promise not to tell anyone about it. 

And she wasn't going to, because that would get people asking just how she knew - and the last thing Aviana wanted to do was tell everyone that she had spent her summer in 12 Grimmauld Place, with Sirius Black, the convict, Remus Lupin, the disgraced teacher, various other wizards who she had heard of from her father, the blood-traitors of the Weasleys, and a muggleborn. And now, Harry Potter.

She sat in the chair nearest her door, ear practically pressed to the door. Voices could be heard from the Entrance Hall, and then the sound of a door shutting and footsteps coming up the stairs, past her room and into the one next door, where she knew Ron and Hermione were sat. 

Harry Potter was here - rescued from the place he stayed with his muggle relatives. Aviana had heard, from mumbled conversations, just how bad it was there. She had rolled her eyes every time, and resisted the urge to go into a full blown rant in one of her letters to Draco or Blaise - but then they would ask questions, ones that Aviana wasn't willing to answer.

She jumped as the mumble of conversation developed into full blown shouts, and interested, she clicked open her door, swinging on her chain so she could hear better. Noticing a glass on her bed stand, she stood up, walking over to it and placing it against the wall she shared with that room, listening into the argument. 

Harry was yelling about them not informing him on anything that had occurred, and sighing, Aviana put down her glass. She was going to have to interrupt - despite her not knowing what the meetings were about, she knew they were important, and she knew her room was right about the kitchen. Sirius would have wanted her to. 

Peeking in the mirror, applying a little more eyeliner as quickly as she could, Aviana pulled down her skirt slightly as she exited her room, stockinged feet padding against the plush, expensive carpet. 

She knocked twice, brief and short. The door swung open, answered by a tearful looking Hermione. And once in her life, Aviana actually felt bad for her. 

"What is she doing here?" Harry said, sounded absolutely digusted as Hermione moved to let the others in the room see her. 

"Trust me, Potter, I'm no more delighted to see you than you are of me. I'm not here to say anything, just to say that you should probably keep it down." Aviana simpered, an eye roll threatening to occur, but she forced herself not to.

"But why are you here - does she know everything?" Harry hissed, looking between his best friends. "She knows everything and I don't?"

"I've been here just over a week, Potter. I know barely anything, I've barely left my room. But you'll be glad to know that Sirius has asked me to be civil with you, which is the only reason why I'm here. So shut up and scream into a pillow or something, geez." Aviana rolled her eyes before leaving the room, and leaving the trio looking rather confused. 

Aviana returned to her room for a while, before the noise from the meeting began to grow louder and you could hear people walking around - more people were coming, which meant Snape, and Molly letting them have dinner. She exited her room to find a crowd of people by the railing. 

Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny leant there, only glancing up when they saw her appear beside them. Molly Weasley appeared, those who had arrived disappearing into the meeting room. She ushered them all downstairs in hushed tones, however all that went to waste as Tonks appeared with a crash, waking up the portrait of Sirius's mother. 

"Fucking hell." Aviana whined over the noise, covering her ears and ignoring the glare from Mrs Weasley. 

"Shut up, you horrible old hag, shut UP!" Sirius roared, seizing the curtain Mrs Weasley had abandoned.

The old woman's face blanched. "Yoooou!" she howled, her eyes popping at the sight of the man - Aviana gagged. "Blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh!"

"I said — shut — UP!" roared the man, and with astupendous effort he and Lupin managed to force the curtains closed again. 

The old woman's screeches died and an echoing silence fell. Panting slightly and sweeping his long dark hair out of his eyes, Sirius, turned to face the Potter boy. "Hello, Harry," he said grimly, "I see you've met my mother." 


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