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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The walk to the station seemed rather boring, until the great black dog gamboledaround them, snapping at pigeons, and chasing its own tail. The animagi had been trapped inside that house for who knew how long, and Aviana couldn't help but smile at the happiness the dog seemed to exude from being outside.

Nothing eventually happened in the twenty minute walk, other than Sirius chasing a few cats. Once inside the station they lingered casually beside the barrier between platforms nine and ten until the coast was clear, then each of them leaned against it in turn and fell easily through onto platform nine and three quarters, where the Hogwarts Express stood belching sooty steam over a platform packed with departing students and their families.

Aviana was making quite the effort to look as if she wasn't with them, standing quite a few paces away and pretending to be looking for someone, but close enough to hear what the others were saying as they waited for people to arrive.

She glanced up as Mrs Weasley pointed out Mad-Eye approaching with the luggage, a porter's cap pulled down over his mismatched eyes.

"All okay," he muttered to Mrs Weasley and Tonks. "Don't think we were followed.." Seconds later, Mr Weasley emerged onto the platform with Ron and Hermione. They had almost unloaded Moody's luggage cart when Fred, George, and Ginny turned up with Lupin. 

And with the arrival of the others, Aviana felt as if she could finally split off from them, and she stepped closer to the group, glancing around and moving carefully as she stood with the group. "I'm going to go." She told them, glancing over Fred's shoulder in case anyone was there. "I.. um.. Thank you for having me for majority of this summer."

The black dog nudged her hand again, and rather carefully she patted it. "I'll maybe write or something." She shrugged, before stepping away, very much aware of everyone else watching her. "Thanks again."

She moved away from the group, glancing around to make sure that nobody was looking. "Oh- Aviana." Stopping in her steps, she turned on her heel to see Harry break away from the group and walk up to her, the other staring at him.

"Are you utterly mental? Have you just decided to ignore everything I said about not wanting other people to see me around you lot?" She began, Harry rooting round in his pocket and not saying anything. "Just spit it out Potter. You've been staring at me since we left the house like I've turned into a bloody Horned Serpent."

"Here." Harry replied finally, pulling whatever he was looking for out of his pocket and holding his hand out palm on it. "You dropped it last night, that's why I was coming up the stairs." 

"Oh." Aviana stared down at it, before gently taking it, nails brushing against his palm for just a moment as she did so. Without much thought, she took off the back and attached it to her jumper, before looking back at Harry, gaze flickering over his shoulder.

To see rest of the people who she had stayed with in the house staring back at her. "Oh shit." She swore, Sirius as a dog appearing by her feet and dancing around. "I'm.. well.. there you have it." She muttered. "Thanks Potter."

Tearing her gaze from the group, Aviana looked down at the dog, petting it once more with a sigh before going to look at Harry again. Only for her eyes to be drawn to a rather blond figure standing just down the platform to her, watching curiously.

"Oh fuck." The girl squeaked. "Well, I guess I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. Sorry Sirius." She said, stepping a bit. "What do you think you're doing?" Aviana's voice had completely changed from the gentle tone, as had her expression,

"Why in the name of Merlin would I want your ugly mutt anywhere near me!" She continued, Draco nodding in realisation further down the platform. "Sorry Sirius." She murmured as she passed, slipping past Harry and the rest of the group and falling into step beside Draco.

"Potter." He said distastefully as they continued further down the train. "You recognise the dog as well?" Draco certainly knew about Sirius's animagi ability, and Aviana nodded.

"Of course I do. Why he's here I have no idea." A grin flickered onto her face as she noticed the badge on his chest. "You got prefect as well?"

"As if anyone else would." Draco replied, as the two of them climbed up into the train, heading towards the Prefects carriage. 

And as she followed Draco down the corridor, Aviana began to feel slightly more confident with the fact she would have to lie to all her friends about her summer and heritage. 

Draco had fallen for it easily, and so she would just need to keep it up. Which shouldn't be hard at all.

Or should it? 

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