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-: fifth year :-


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Aviana met with the twins once or twice more before the end of the Easter holidays. And yet she remained entirely secretive about the matter, deciding that he would simply find out when the twins chose to let it play out. And, without the D.A., Aviana had simply become a fixture of Gryffindor common room when she wasn't in the library. 

And as the holiday had come to an end, and their examinations neared all the more, their inevitable future joined their O.W.L.s in looming dangerously over them. As if it were a necessity to stress the students out more, a batch of pamphlets, leaflets and notices concerning a wide variety of Wizarding careers appeared on the tables in the common room, with a notice on the board telling them that each fifth year student had been assigned a meeting with their head of house to discuss what they perhaps might like to do, and what they might be able to do with the grades they were predicted - and if their grades were utterly abysmal, what extremes they would need to go to get them back on track.

Like Harry, albeit with McGonagall, Aviana had been assigned a slot with Snape the very next day - the first day back that Monday - during Divination. Each were certainly pleased to miss Divination, despite the fact it had become a touch more interesting with Firenze as teacher instead of Trelawney, it remained a woolly subject - for how were they supposed to truly see what Centaurs did?

Nonetheless, now that Aviana had become a pariah in her own house, having argued with majority of them and the rest outing them as having Death Eaters for parents, she ventured into the Gryffindor common room more often, and the final night of the holidays was no different. Despite the fact she had known exactly what she wanted to do with her life and what she had been working for all this time, she was squished into Harry's side, legs kicked out onto the coffee table, and absentmindedly flicked through the stack of pamphlets gathered.

"I don't fancy Healing." Ron announced to the other three, still half immersed in a leaflet with the crossed bone and wand emblem of St. Mungo's on the front. "It says here you need at least an E at N.E.W.T. level in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts... I mean, blimey... Don't want much, do they?"

"It's perfectly manageable if you have the ability to correctly arrange your schedule." Aviana hummed. She was, with particular concentration, studying a booklet on all the careers one could achieve with Care of Magical Creatures.

"Yeah, well you're kind of insane with all that, aren't you?" Ron said, tossing the St. Mungo's pamphlet aside.

"I suppose so." Aviana said. Harry glanced down at her expression. It seemed overwhelmingly calm and, as he adjusted his seat, allowing her to slip deeper into his side, he peered over into her bag. There was the stopper of a particularly recognisable vial visible within, and he sniffed, returning his attention to reading over her shoulder, quite unable to say anything.

"It's a very responsible job, isn't it?" Hermione said absently. "There's all sorts you need to do as a Healer." She was poring over a bright pink and orange leaflet about Muggle relations. "You don't seem to need many qualifications to liaise with Muggles... All they want is an O.W.L. in Muggle studies. 'Much more important is your enthusiasm, patience and a good sense of fun'!" She read out and didn't sound very impressed.

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