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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"Well, if he got nine 'Outstanding' O.W.L.s, then I don't see why it wouldn't work?" Aviana leant against the toilet stall door, gazing over the two boys before her. 

Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, despite it's location providing ease of access to anyone in the nearby classrooms or even the library, was entirely empty of anyone else. It was quite useful, actually, having the presence of a wailing, incredibly annoying ghost around (despite how uncomfortable it was to relieve oneself before her) as it meant the room would be entirely empty almost all the time.

And now, Aviana would make use of that emptiness, standing before Harry and Ron as they peered over a potion bottle. It was sold to them by Eddie Carmichael, a Ravenclaw sixth year, who had offered the whole pint for twelve galleons, and he claimed that the potion - which was supposedly Baruffio's Brain Elixir - had led to him passing each of his exams with the highest grades possible. 

It was one person within what had become a flourishing black-market trade within Hogwarts. Whilst usually it was only made up of the older years getting alcohol for a couple younger years and was the strongest within Hufflepuff and their ability to grow certain plants, it had now become filled with aids of concentration, mental agility and wakefulness, and primarily sixth years were benefitting from the worrying, desperate, fifth and seventh years. 

"Exactly." Ron said, peering over it. "Reckon it'll work." His nose wrinkled despite that; the smell of the potion, whilst not strong, was particularly pungent and disgusting.

"I don't see why it... shouldn't?" Harry wagered, glancing up at Aviana. "Right?" 

"Well, if it is Baruffio's Brain Elixir, it should." She hummed, arms crossing over her chest. "What have you been taught about this elixir?" She asked. "I can't seem to remember."

"Maybe you should take it." Ron scoffed, grinning at the thought. "Really, you can't remember? It boosts brain power, doesn't it? Like that's it's whole purpose, it boosts brain power and, like, you can get shit done." 

"Revision, you can get revision done." Harry corrected. 

"Yeah, that's right, revision." Ron nodded hastily. 

"Sounds like you really need it." Aviana hummed merrily. "So it... boosts brain power?" She repeated. 

"For twelve Galleons I bloody well hope it does." Ron told her, gazing down at the potion. "I'll pay you back, by the way, when we graduate and I get a job - told McGonagall I'd probably end up doing something in the Ministry, like my dad... more exciting than Muggle stuff though..."

"A steady pay cheque, good idea." Aviana continued. "And don't worry about paying me back. Twelve Galleons is nothing, truly, I have plenty of money to go through with either of my fathers being able to spend it... might as well use some of it for a good cause. Harry might be doing well in his subjects now, but if his predicted grades go to shit then, who knows?"

"What?" Harry's head snapped towards her. 

"Harry, darling, I made a statement dating you. You're good looking, had good grades, you're the Chosen One, all that... but if any of that goes down the drain, well, Blaise is always around." She told him, arms crossing. "But certainly, if you do well, which I'm sure you will do if you drink this elixir, then I'm sure I won't have to turn to Blaise."

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