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-: fifth year :-


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"Do not be ridiculous." Snape drawled, heating the small cauldron attached to the sideboard, not wasting any time before beginning to add the ingredients he had selected, simultaneously crushing something in a mortar and pestle as tipping a small vial into the cauldron. "You're not going to die."

"Says who?" Aviana replied, her nails pressing into her skin, pale crescent moons imprinting there. "He'll find out my mother's disappeared, and know that I've not been at the manor. None of my grandparents will have taken me and he will know that another relative will have taken me, a true relative, my father."

Snape didn't turn around to address her. "And how do you suppose he will be aware that Black is in a position to take you?" He asked, stirring the beginnings of the potion. "As far as they know, Black is on the run, and the Ministry believes he is somewhere abroad."

"The Ministry believes that Sirius masterminded the attack." Aviana replied, holding the discarded paper up and rustling it. "Besides, who knows what they've found out." She added lowly.

Snape slowly turned to face her, still stirring the potion. "If you are insinuating, Miss Rosier, that I am unfaithful to the Order, then I do believe that you have been greatly misled and your judgement is clouded through certain influences." He said, before promptly turning back to the potion and adding other ingredients.

"I'm not insinuating anything, Professor." Aviana snapped, although she most certainly was. "I believe that the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord are more than aware of Sirius's position and thus will be aware that I have been placed with a family member. I may not be insinuating that you are double crossing the Order but I am most certainly insinuating that Dumbledore should have taken more care in this and that forcing me to go and live at Grimmauld Place would have certain repercussions-"

"Headmaster Dumbledore." Snape corrected.

"For fuck's sake - Headmaster Dumbledore should have considered the possibility, seeing as the whole premise of reuniting the Order of the Phoenix was a defence mechanism in response to the Dark Lord's return and the imminent danger placed on the wizarding war that something like this would have happened!" Aviana replied, rising to her feet, beginning to pace up and down the stomach. "I don't how this is supposed to be a surprise to anyone who believes that he has returned, of course there was going to be a mass prison break, half of his inner-circle has been locked in there since his defeat, and how is he supposed to do anything with that!"

"Miss Rosier, you are not going to die." Snape drawled, once more, deciding to ignore the rising hysteria in her voice, focusing instead on brewing the potion. "Sit back down."

"No." Aviana shook her head. "No - no, I can't sit back down, because my father, a Death Eater, who murdered a group of Muggles not even a year ago is going to find out that I have been taken care of by my real father, a blood traitor and... fucking hell." She sat back down, her head in her hands. "I'm a blood traitor. I'm a traitor. He's going to kill me."

"I believe you are overthinking, Miss Rosier." Snape continued, turning from his potion to allow it to simmer. "There is no evidence that you have been living at Grimmauld Place and-"

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