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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The Rosier girl followed Sirius down into the kitchen and stood by the sink, her hand plunged under cold water. Sirius moved around quickly, looking through several of the cupboards as he attempted to find the salve that he had mentioned Mrs Weasley brought.

He eventually found it and place it on the counter by where Aviana was stood, gently turning over her hand and taking it out of the water, examining the red marks on her palms and placing it back under the water.

"So you have experience treating burns?" Aviana asked, as Sirius continued to look for the rest of the first aid kit, searching for a roll of bandages.

"No, actually. I have experience treating cuts, but no burns. I'm just remembering what Molly did when I tried to open it." Sirius admitted, moving over with the bandages, pulling a tea towel out of the pile of freshly laundered ones, moving over to Aviana.

"Shit-" Aviana couldn't help but exclaim as Sirius pulled her hand away from the water, showing just how badly the burns were. "Sorry.." She trailed off, and Sirius shrugged.

"No worries. This might sting." He warned, beginning to apply the salve to her burns, and instinctively, as it began to sting, Aviana pulled her hand away.

She sighed, not saying anything as she held out her hand once again, hissing as the salve once again began to be applied, but not jerking her hand away again. "There we go." Sirius said, and instead of manually putting the bandages on he waved his wand, and they wrapped around his hands.

"Thanks." She said quietly, looking confused as Sirius filled a kettle with water, placing it on the hob.

"I'm making hot chocolate. Remus taught me how to make it years ago." Then Sirius murmured something that Aviana didn't quite catch and the girl was suddenly struck with a feeling of confusion. Since when was she so comfortable with anyone in this house - why was he being so nice to her, it was something that rarely, if ever, occured.

"So Dumbledore sent you here because of what, exactly?" Sirius asked, having made the hot chocolate and placing a mug of it down in front of Aviana . He knew every detail of why Dumbledore had sent the Rosier girl to stay with them, however he had a feeling that the teen girl needed to talk to someone.

"Because my dad's an arse who does stupid shit and gets caught for it." Aviana said, swallowing harshly and looking rather awkward as she reached for her mug with her good hand, lifting it to her lips to hide any emotion that sat there.

"Azkaban?" Sirius asked, and frowned as the girl nodded.

She seemed to struggle with something for a minute. "Is-" She began before trailing off, her jaw set as she stared down into her mug. Sirius knew the type of person Aviana was pretty easily, and so he just waited.

"Is it.. is it bad there?" Aviana finally managed to get out. She had heard of Azkaban - Merlin she had known about it since she was seven, and even if she hadn't, then she sure would have found out about it in her third year.

"I got through it." Sirius began, but his face misted over.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." All Aviana seemed to do was apologise that night, but with this she actually did need to - it was none of her business.

"No, it's ok. You should know, it's where you dad is going." Sirius swallowed, and his knuckles turned white as he clutched his mug.

"No.. Mr Black it's really not necessary." Aviana hurried, but Sirius just waved her away, eyes set on a mark in the centre of the table.

"Sirius is fine. Azkaban is like a place without happiness. There's not even the tiniest slither of it, there's nothing. Just nothing. No happiness - no sadness either. You go mad within weeks, lost in your own head. And the dementors - God the dementors." Sirius fell silent, clearly struggling with his memories of it.

"I heard from Ron and Hermione that you have encountered many, during your third year." Sirius changed the subject only slightly. "You should know the feeling well."

"I suppose so. They seemed drawn to me, it wasn't as bad for me as some people - Potter, I'm talking about Potter." Aviana said. Sirius didn't say anything at her clear distaste for the boy, he had experienced enough glares between Ron, Hermione and Aviana to understand that no positive feelings hung between them.

"Yes, and Remus gave you classes?" Sirius asked, a clear gleam sparking in his eye as he talked about his best friend. The girl nodded, stifling a yawn. "A fully-fledged patronus, huh?"

"He told you that?" Aviana seemed rather pleased with knowing that Sirius knew of her achievement - and the thought caught her off guard. Why did she care so much about with one man - this one convict - thought. "I should be going back to bed."

"Good idea. I'll make sure not to warn Fred and George about your hands. I am assuming that as soon as possible you will be getting your payback?" Sirius had another glint in his eye as Aviana nodded.

"I didn't perfect various spells perfect for this sort of revenge for nothing. Goodnight Sirius... thank you." Aviana said, finishing her cup of hot chocolate and Sirius waved his wand, sending the mug over to the sink.

She didn't need to say what she was thanking him for - Sirius knew he was lucky to get that, considering Aviana's usual manner. But something was different that night, it was like something had changed, a mutual respect formed between them that Aviana hadn't experienced with anyone else in the house.

And perhaps, just maybe, that stemmed from how similar they were.

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