˗ˋ 13

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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana had pulled of her jacket and was dressed in her pajamas within two minutes, feeling slightly bad for saying what she did for Molly but knowing that she now knew that felt better. She just wanted to be respected, and if that included having to talk back to Mrs Weasley, so be it. 

But just as she got into bed and picked up her book, a crack could be heard and suddenly there was a weight on the end of her bed. "What-" She exclaimed, before something grabbed her wrist and she felt the wooshing feeling of apparating, and suddenly she was out of her room. "What the living fuck?"

Aviana had been grabbed by Fred and George, and now she was at on the end of the bed in the room next door. "Why am I here?" She asked, adjusting her pajamas so that everything was fine, and moved her hair before looking around, to see Harry and Ron staring at her. "I didn't ask to be here." She put her hands up, palm  facing forwards. 

"Why is she here?" Ron asked, looking at the older twins, both of whom were sitting down at the end of his bed. Aviana was halfway towards the door when Fred dashed over and pulled her back, Harry moving his feet and the Rosier girl perching on the very edge of his bed.

"We brought you here because your opinion will be interesting." George shrugged, looking between Harry and Aviana. "Especially all that stuff between Mum and Sirius about you - you're like the grey area, Harry is easy to argue over because they've both got connections, but you.. you're-"

"Tired and bored of this conversation?" Aviana said, and all four boys rolled their eyes. "Ok, not fans of sarcastic comments late at night." 

"So, got there yet?" said George eagerly, discarding anything Aviana had just said.

"The weapon Sirius mentioned?" said Harry. 

"Let slip, more like," said Fred with relish, now sitting next to Ron. "We didn't hear about that on the old Extendables, did we?"

"What d'you reckon it is?" said Harry. 

"Could be anything," said Fred. 

"But there can't be anything worse than the Avada Kedavra curse, can there?" said Ron. "What's worse than death?"

"Maybe it's something that can kill loads of people at once,"  suggested George. 

"Maybe it's some particularly painful way of killing people," said Ron fearfully.

It fell for silent for a minute, but then a stiffled giggle could be heard. And slowly, the four boys turned to look at Aviana, who was shivering but hiding her mouth behind her hand but a clear smile was there. 

"What's so funny?" Asked Ron abruptly. "Is the idea of many people dying funny?"

"No, and seeing as you're so rude I won't tell you what is. Merlin it's cold in here, so I'm going back to bed." Aviana got up once again, but another crack could be heard and George was in front of her, pushing her back down onto the end of Harry's bed. 

"Wear this." Fred said, picking up a random sweater from the floor and throwing it to the girl. "Ron's going to shut up now, so don't worry about him being rude." 

"My apologies, didn't realise I had to be best mates with Malfoy's little girlfriend now." Ron grumbled, as Aviana tugged the jumper over her vest and shorts combo, pulling the sleeves over her hands and glaring at Ron. 

"First of all, I would rather pitch myself off of the Astronomy Tower than be Draco's girlfriend, second of all, me being here has just made me realise how little you all know about dark magic." She shrugged. "What's funny is your lack of knowledge, not the deaths of innocent people."

"So what are we missing out on?" Fred asked, leaning forward. 

"He has the Cruciatus curse for pain, if you don't remember the lessons. But.. dark magic isn't necessarily a spell - and if it is, you won't have heard of it." Aviana's gaze drifted down to the floor and she stared. "There are a lot of objects that are made to be dark." 

"Like what?" Harry pressed. 

"I heard from my dad about a few.. and I've been down Knockturn Alley on more than a few occasions. But dark magic is like nothing we know.. it's cruel beyond belief.. so cruel." Aviana's voice had fallen to a whisper, and the four boys shared a look, wondering what she had seen. 

"But what could the weapon be? And who d'you think has it now?" George asked, and Aviana shook her head, still staring at the ground. 

"I hope it's our side," said Ron, sounding slightly nervous. 

"If it is, Dumbledore's probably keeping it," said Fred, eyes flickering over to the girl hunched over the side of Harry's bed, hands grasping the sleeves tightly.

"Where?" said Ron quickly. "Hogwarts?" 

"Bet it is!" said George. "That's where he hid the Philospher's Stone!"

"A weapon's going to be a lot bigger than the Stone, though!" said Ron. "Hey - is she ok?" He asked, his voice hushed, and the four of them looked at Aviana. 

"I'm going." She muttered, her knuckles white from holding the end of her sleeves. Without any more words, she left the room. 

Leaving the four boys wondering what exactly she was thinking about, and what she knew.


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