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-: fifth year :-


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When Harry's evenings of detentions came to a stop - he had only found himself with a couple of extra days on top of his original sentence, something of a miracle considering Umbridge caught him and Aviana three times otherwise - as did Aviana's. Well, by Aviana's choice of course, and all of a sudden Harry found himself back into his usual habits. Quidditch practises as often as possible - now that Angelina had him back she wasn't going to let him off lightly - with homework to follow and the only exception to this being that of the Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons, which continued to be absolutely abysmal.

Aviana was the same. She didn't say much in lessons, but managed to get her and Harry partnered up for a couple of Potions tasks, which encouraged looks of complete surprise and dismay from both Snape, Malfoy and Hermione - the only time Harry ever believed they had agreed on something. As far as he was concerned, and to the very best of his knowledge, Umbridge had not yet met with Snape, but the punishment looming over her led to Aviana's continued silence - simply due to the fact that she did not want to sit through it, rather than any concern over the punishments it could lead to.

Her and Pansy were often sat in the library with Draco, Blaise and Theo, and if Harry didn't seem them then he knew she was at Quidditch practise, which was even more often than he was. By the time Fred and George had convinced Angelina it was too cold to play on, there was a small group of Slytherins emerging out onto the pitch to play through an extra practise, and Harry found himself remembering just how good of a player Aviana was. He was close to actually fearing Slytherin beating them that year, solely because it seemed any remaining anger Aviana had was being let out on the pitch, and she played utterly ruthlessly, with certain moves and her exertion of the key core strength that allowed her to hang on only with her legs to avoid harsh-looking potential collisions with the chasers chosen to represent other teams.

And whilst there was a lack of the comradery that had emerged during Harry's initial outbursts and there was no longer need for arguments in class - Aviana's hand had gotten to the point of fading that she dared take off the gloves - something else remained.

The something else, of course, being making out in random corridors whenever they so happened to feel like it. They met up in the Prefects bathroom some evening, to go over some of the ideas for him teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts and... even though they were more than aware that Umbridge would not and could not enter the bathroom, there always ended up being some kind of a-little-more-than-friendly action. Much to Moaning Myrtle's delight, however Harry found that she too feared Aviana, citing reasons linking to her father.

And all of Aviana's plans to piss people off seemed to culminate in one key evening in the library. Harry knew she was there, could hear her complaining to Pansy about Draco - who was sat across from her - through the bookshelves, as he, Ron and Hermione did some homework for Potions.

"I just don't see why you think you're making some kind of stand with this." Draco was saying, and Harry found himself more than distracted, eyes wandering away from the potions ingredient list he had scrawled down on a scrap of paper. "It's not like he's royalty."

"Might as well be." Aviana replied. "He is the Boy Who Lived, Draco."

Ron's head shot up. Hermione's eyebrows furrowed over her parchment.

"And?" Draco lowered his voice, and they couldn't hear what he said.

"Oh, boo-hoo!" Aviana scoffed. "Listen - I don't care what you think, and you just keep bringing this up like it's going to deter me anymore. You've pissed me off enough over the years, what, with Buckbeak and the whole dad thing and now this sucking-up to Umbridge thing that I've decided that I will do absolutely anything that I can to get under your skin."

"Yes, but... that isn't an excuse for shagging Potter."

Harry's eyes widened and he began to, defiantly, looking increasingly interested in his work.

"I though you said you weren't going to do that, Avi." Pansy chimed in.

"What the fuck?" Theo asked. "What the actual fuck? You won't sleep with me but you'll sleep with him?"

"If I sleep with you I get the clap, Theo, if I sleep with Harry then I piss Draco off. One of them sounds a lot better to me." Aviana replied. "Besides, Draco gave me the idea so he can't really argue with it, can he."

"I didn't give you the idea!" Draco hissed. "I said you were acting erratically and simply stated that certain people would disapprove of your words against a certain someone."

"Yes, and you know I like a challenge, so please, go and snitch on me." Aviana shook her head. "Go and tell everyone your boarding school gossip. But I would keep your voice down, because book cases aren't walls, believe it or not. Now, back to my plan."

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked, a little too loud. "Why are you getting up?"

"None of your business, Malfoy." And all of a sudden Aviana appeared at the end of their row, closing the distance between herself and the group of Gryffindors. "Good evening, you three. Shift over, Ronald, I have things to discuss."

"What do you think you're doing?" Hermione asked, voice higher pitched than usual. "I hope you don't think that you're going to... sleep with Harry."

"Oh, he hasn't told you." Aviana hummed. Ron's head snapped towards Harry. "Merlin, why is everyone so gullible around here? Did none of your parents sit you down at bedtime and read you stories warning you that you shouldn't take things at face value and it is very, very easy to be tricked by the pretty girl who finds lying fun?"

"Aviana, what are you doing?" Harry asked, voice lowered. He was now more than aware of the value of being discreet, more than anything else.

"Draco pissed me off again. Do you know how hard it is to get rid of those people? The only one of them I can stand is Blaise and Pansy on occasion. They're all leeches, I swear." Aviana shook her head, her wand flicking once, and a chair appearing between Ron and Harry. "Excuse me." She hummed, before slipping down into it, placing her bag on the table. She smiled, prettily, although Hermione looked generally disgusted and Ron was still staring.


"Harry, our late night study sessions are beginning to hinder me almost as much as our detentions did. I think it's time we had a little chat." Aviana said, before her wand was out again. "Muffliato." She said, before her smile only grew and she placed a book down on the table. "Granger, it's time to talk about Harry teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts."

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