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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Everyone stared as she entered the kitchen, taking her seat at what seemed to be the only free seat at the table, all the others having been filled. It was beside Sirius, and Aviana determinedly ignored not only him, but everyone else as well.

The only thing she said was when Mrs Weasley placed a plate full of food under her nose. She was hungry - she swore she was - but somehow she couldn't force herself to eat it, and just picked at it, eating the tiniest bites at a time.

Other people seemed to eat quickly, knives and forks clinking against their plates as the amount of food on them decreased. And soon enough, Aviana was the only one with any food left on her plate.

"Give it here." Sirius mumbled, and confused, Aviana slid her plate over to him. She watched as Sirius took majority of what was left on her plate, leaving her with a couple of the potato chunks, chicken and some gravy. "Eat up." He mumbled, passing it back. 

Faced with the much smaller portion, Aviana took a few more bites, and managed to get through the plate. "Dessert?" Sirius asked, as Aviana's now empty plate floated away from under her nose and into the sink. She shook her head.

"Extra for me Molly." Sirius called, and didn't say anything more to Aviana as Mrs Weasley dished out dessert. He waved his hand when she suggested that the Rosier girl had some, and let her sit in peace.

After everyone had finished eating they were allowed to leave, and without a word to anyone else, Aviana bolted up to her room, where she would stay for the next couple of days, only leaving for food and to go to the bathroom. 

She was feeling rather emotional and entirely overwhelmed. Aviana had absolutely no idea why she was there and not at the Malfoys - she actually knew and liked all of them, some to a certain extent. She might have said otherwise before, but she would much rather go and stay with the Parkinsons than remain in the grim house in London any longer. 

The others tended to leave her alone, and she barely spoke to anyone. And if she did speak to someone, they were normally sarcastic or mean words - or if it was Sirius or Molly, usually words of thanks. 

Tears were shed, but she ultimately got over it, knowing that if she wanted to get on with anything in that final month then Aviana couldn't spend the time being sad in her room. 

Or rather, she was forced to. 

A crash could be heard as something appeared in front of Aviana, who was laid in her bed with a sketchbook balanced on her knees. "Fred, George." She said, without even looking up. It was pretty obvious at this point that anyone who appeared through apparation within the house would be the twins, as they had past their test with flying colours. 

"You're no fun Rosier." George said, sitting down on the end of her bed as Fred rubbed his ankle, having landed on it funny.

"And you think I have any way to have fun whilst locked up in this room?" Aviana replied, looking up from her sketchbook as she closed it, looking far from impressed at the twins' appearance.

"Well that's what we're here for." Fred said, hopping over to sit down next to his twin, watching as Aviana slid her sketchbook under her bed. 

"I don't like the sound of that. Forgotten that we aren't exactly friends? Never have been never will be?" This was the most conversation that Aviana had experienced in days, and although it made her happy, she remained that monotone style she had acquired over the years. 

"Harsh words Rosier. We're not here to throw you down the stairs or force you to test our products, all though the Slytherin princess could be a good target for our pranks." George looked thoughtful.

"Try anything at Hogwarts and I'll hex you into oblivion." Aviana said, and though her words didn't necessarily hold any emotion to them, they were no less than a promise. "I'm not interested in having fun currently, and certainly not with you."

"We only came to tell you about the library on the first floor." Fred shrugged. "Each to their own, I guess." And with a crack, the twins disappeared.

And whilst the idea of fun with the twins didn't interest her, the idea of a library certainly did.

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