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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"There's not that much to it." Harry protested, head turned towards her as she crossed her legs beneath her, elbows resting on on her knees. "Really, she didn't really go into detail." 

"At all?" Aviana's eyebrows raised. "She just told you she wanted you to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts and didn't go into any detail? Granger didn't go into any details?" 

Harry shook his head slowly. "I..." He sighed. "I lost my temper, a bit. Didn't like how simplified they made it, that somehow I did all that stuff with Voldemort just because I'm good at a class."

Aviana stared up at her, head tilting. "What do you mean by that?" She asked. 

"I... well, the first time I was-"

"A baby. Yeah, I have to agree with you there." Aviana knitted her fingers together, black silk gloves shifting in the light, revealing stains of ink. "I can't imagine the Dark Lord was particularly pleased with a baby taking him down, a bit of a blow to the ego, but he bounced back." 

"Yeah, well..." Harry nodded, slowly. "Yeah, first I was a baby, second I was in first year, so I wasn't really good at anything, that was sheer luck. Second year, if Fawkes hadn't turned up there was no way I would have been able to stop the basilisk. In third year, without the Time-Turner-"

"Fuck off." Aviana sat up. "How did Granger get a Time-Turner?" 

"How did you know it was Hermione?" 

"Why would the Ministry give you or Weasley a Time-Turner?" Aviana rolled her eyes. "Granger kept popping up everywhere without being there before... that's how the Hippogriff got away! I knew you had something to do with that, I can't believe you let Malfoy continuously annoying me. That's your fault!"

Harry blinked. He hadn't thought about that. "Yeah, I guess. I mean..." 

"And last year... you did manage to fight him off, again." Aviana sounded a little more sensitive to that one. He appreciated that. "Not that I know how... from what I overheard before my dad... when he went to..." She swallowed, shook her head, "apparently Voldemort wasn't best pleased by the fact you surprised. You were definitely supposed to die, then, if that makes you feel any better." 

"Does, a little bit. But I'm always supposed to die, aren't I?" Harry asked. 

"And yet here you are." Aviana smiled at him, and as if it were some kind of miracle, reached for his hand, thumb smoothing over the scarred-over cut. "Maybe Hermione's right."

"You called her Hermione." 

"Miracles do happen, on occasion. You are still here, annoying as ever." 

"And there it is." 

"You are good at Defence Against the Dark Arts." Aviana considered. "Better than me." 

"Suppose so." 

"And, well, nothing would really piss her off more than someone, particularly you, starting your own class for her subject. Not to mention you would actually be teaching something useful." Aviana hummed. She stood up, and pulled him away from the desk he leant on. "I think this might be an actual good idea from Granger." 

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