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-: fifth year :-


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"I don't know what you think you're doing, Rosier." Draco snapped, before the doors to the library have even closed behind them. "Ordering me around like you haven't completely debased your family name."

"Please, I haven't debased anything." Aviana rolled her eyes

"The the article about other than throwing several other supposed Death Eaters into the mud," Draco asked, as they turned the corner and came to a stop into a shadowed alcove. "That wasn't debasing your family name."

"I think William did that job rather well when he killed several Muggles and went to Azkaban for it." Aviana rolled her eyes. "If anyone has debased the Rosier name, I think he might have done that, not me."

Draco glanced around, looking over his shoulder before turning back to her, voice lowered. "We both know that any self-respecting Death Eater on the level of your father and mine, in the inner circle, to mass-murder Muggles is an honour to the Dark Lord."

Her eyebrows raised. "So I'm not debasing the Rosier name, but instead I'm just betraying the Dark Lord? Brilliant, you know, I'm glad I've got that confirmation after I was openly arguing with Umbridge and the Ministry regarding his return, considering that was supposed to be a secret - oh, and I've been dating Harry Potter, which, considering that the Dark Lord has been trying to kill him for years might be a little bit worse than giving an interview."

"And didn't we all tell you that it was a all stupid idea?" Draco replied. "And yet you insisted upon doing it without any regard for the repercussions."

"You told me it was a stupid idea and over the years I've told you something was a stupid idea and you ignored me and proved me right so if you think I'm taking you advice on anything at all, you're wrong." Aviana said.

"For example?" Draco asked.

"Two years ago when you insisted on approaching a Hippogriff and disregarded the instructions given and ended up with a broken arm and whining about it for months, pissing me and everyone else off to no end." She told him flatly, without missing a beat. Her eyebrows raised as Draco stared at her. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I simply do not know what you want from me, Aviana." Draco shook his head. "You've completely changed in the last few months, you're shagging Potter of all people, and you're going against everything we've ever been taught all because, what, your dad murdered a few muggles? He's done worse than that and you know it."

"Please, if your dad went to jail you'd do worse." Aviana said. "Excuse me if I don't want to follow the laid out path for my life. Become a Slytherin, join the Death Eaters, do everything as I'm asked to do and have no individuality? You cannot look at me, look at how long you have known me and tell me that I have done much more than tolerate it all. My dad went to jail, my mother went into hiding and I'm not under their influence and suddenly I can be more like myself."

"That's to be expected - it's in your genetics, isn't it?" Draco scoffed.

She glared at him, almost confused, despite knowing exactly what he was saying to her. But she didn't want to admit it, what he was saying, because it meant her father knew, and Draco had spoken to him. He and Lucius saw Sirius on the platform and recognised him even in his Animagus form and no doubt the escaped Death Eaters had taken a detour to the Malfoy Manor before they went into hiding to visit their dear Dark Lord and would subsequently hear everything that Draco had parroted to his father.

"What, not going to defend yourself now?"

"Have I got anything to defend?" Aviana replied, an eyebrow raised. If he wasn't going to openly say anything to dig her into a hole she couldn't climb out of, then she certainly wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of her confirming it. Draco only stared back. "What? What do you mean that it's genetic?" She repeated, forcing herself to look confused.

"You know, Aviana."

"Do I?" Her nose wrinkled. "Do I really? I don't think I do. Why don't you explain it for me, Draco. Are you referencing how my father and your father both pretended they were under the Imperius curse after the First Wizarding War to avoid persecution?" Aviana smiled, head tilting. "Or was it something else, perhaps?"

Draco scoffed, shaking his head. "I can't believe this." He replied. "But you know exactly what I'm talking about, but yet again, you're only thinking about yourself."

"How is my dad any of your business?" Aviana asked. "Genuinely. Why is it any of your business?"

"This whole thing, the going against everything we've been taught, the whole article where you announced that several of your friends' fathers are Death Eaters, practically announcing where the Dark Lord is, it's all for you."

"Actually, that bit was for Harry - a bit of credibility? He was going to announce it either way, I just decided to back him up." Aviana said.

"And if that wasn't for your own merit then I don't know what is." Draco told her. "You're going to get a hell of a lot more people put in Azkaban-"

"Where they belong."

"-And you're going to get yourself killed." Draco finished, and began to stalk off, away from her.

"Don't you think I know that, dickhead?" Aviana shouted after him, and on a moment's impulse, reached for her wand. "Levicorpus." She murmured, and all of sudden Draco was hanging mid-air from his ankles, and she shortly crossed the distance between them. "You think I don't know that I'm going to get killed."

"Put me down, Aviana."

"I don't think so. You know why I know that I'm going to get killed?" Aviana asked, staring up at his slowly paling face as he dangled in the air. "You know why? Because I know you're a slimy little coward who has taken every chance to write to Mummy and Daddy about my behaviour and as soon as you went home you've only expanded upon that."

"I didn't-"

"Don't you try and lie to me, Draco. You are fucking coward, and if I die, it's because you can't stand your own and reported back to your parents on everything I did, because you can't stand that I'm no longer like you and your little clique."

"Put me down, Aviana."

"Gladly." Aviana snapped, ignoring the small crowd that had formed at the sound of the argument. Behind them, she could hear the doors to the library swinging open. She waved her wand again, and Draco was back on his feet, looking particularly ruffled but all together fine.

He reached for his wand, which had dropped from his pocket and rolled across the flagstones to rest against the wall.

"Oh, please." Aviana rolled her eyes. "Flipendo." Draco was knocked back, and still he scrambled to his wand and she allowed him for a moment, before she cast another spell. "Oppungo."

And she watched as a crowd of birds appeared as if from nowhere, and flurry around him, pecking mercilessly.

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