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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana waited until the next night to try and find the library. She would have tried the night after she was told, but a meeting for the Order - whatever that was - had taken place, as so she had decided it wasn't best.

This was mostly because she had bumped into Snape at the bottom of the stairs, and not even the sight of the Slytherin student would break his usual sneering demeanor as he swooped past her, a look of distaste from being in the house even worse than the one that seemed to settle there upon seeing Harry Potter.

Aviana wasn't one to sneak around homes; she had learnt that since she was younger and found some hatch into the attic - where some rather dark objects had been stored for a while. Hogwarts was another story, but as for now she decided to treat Grimmauld place as another version of her home.

Besides, after listening to various conversastions around the house, it was filled with some dark magic as well - Walburga's permanently stuck portrait was honestly the least of their worries.

But in this case, she had no way to go during the day. There had been nobody that had told her to not go in the library, but all the same she couldn't be sure she was allowed.

And so, Aviana had stayed up for several hours, having waited for every single voice to go quiet and no more footsteps to walk past her door. The time seemed to pass quickly, it had tiptoed past midnight yet seemed to sprint into the early hours, and Aviana stifled a yawn as she pulled her quidditch jumper over her pajamas and unlocked her door.

The tiniest of creaks could be heard as she pushed her door open, shining the torch in front of her - a gift from one of her friends a long while ago. The house was even eerier in the night time, and the odd gleam of moonlight would slip through the partially drawn curtains of each window.

The Black house was generally a not very nice place. Decorations were crude, and there was seemingly a layer of dust on everything. It clearly hadn't been lived in until that summer, and was rather creepy at night.

Wincing every time a stair made a single noise, Aviana continued to make her way downstairs. It was a slow journey, especially as she made her way past the other bedrooms on the third floor - not wanting to make any noise.

Creeping down the long staircase, Aviana reached the second floor. "Library.. library.." She mumbled, shining her torch up at the name plates that sat on each door - it seemed the first floor held only one bedroom and bathroom, the other door being for a study and the final one the library.

A statisfied smirk appeared on Aviana's face, shining her torch down on the handle. There was no lock, and it was almost as if everything was working out perfectly. But when Aviana reached to open the door, her hand landed on the cold metal of the door knob.

A burning sensation travelled up her arm and her hand fell away from the door knob, dropping the torch in the process - it hit the floor in just the wrong way and Aviana was plunged into darkness.

"Shit." She hissed, clutching her hand to her chest as the burning sensation seemed to grow stronger and stronger for the slightest of moments before disappearing completely. "Fuck." She swore, dropping down to the floor to try and find the torch.

Now she would have to try and get down to the kitchen and run it under cold water - there was no way she was going to try and get into the bathroom in the same hallway.

And just as she was searching, hand sweeping over the carpet, above her, the main light shone. "Looking for this?" A voice asked, and Aviana jumped out of her skin at the combination of these things.

"Fucking hell." She held her uninjured palm to her heart, which was beating so rapidly it was almost abnormal. She looked up at the owner of the voice, sighing when she saw it was Sirius.

"Didn't take you for the exploring type." He commented, holding out his hand. Reluctantly, Aviana took it and let the man pull her to her feet.

"I wasn't planning on it." Aviana mumbled, shifting awkwardly on her feet, trying not to sound too in pain. "Fred and George told me about it."

"Didn't happen to tell you about the hexed handle? Suppose they didn't feel as if they could prank you any other way." Sirius said, holding out her torch. "This belongs to you."

"It does... thanks." Aviana felt incredibly awkward - she had just been caught snooping around the house, and by the very man who owned it no less.

"Let me see your hand then." Sirius said, after they had stood in silence for a moment. Aviana was confused for a second, before holding out her injured hand, palm up. "I think Molly got some salve for this when we tried it the first time."

And with that, Sirius began to lead Aviana down to the kitchen. Despite the awkwardness and the initial greeting between them, Aviana finally felt somewhat comfortable with someone in this godforsaken house.

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