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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"Constant vigilance." Moody said approvingly, as she sat back down, getting comfortable in her seat. "Let's start off with what you know of that we are aware of." Moody continued gruffly, eyeing Aviana warily, more suspiciously than he had before. "What's in the Department of Mysteries."

"Many things. But, specifically, behind the door that Mr Weasley was guarding the night of the snake attack, is the Halls of Prophecy. The prophecy that you are guarding foretold of either James and Lily Potter or Frank and Alice Longbottom, who would give birth to a child that would defeat Lord Voldemort. I believe Divination is an incredibly woolly subject and Professor Trelawney is... questionable, but a broken clock is right twice a day after all."

"I know that the Dark Lords wants to possess this prophecy, because apparently he is mightily insecure in his cause and decided that he just has to see whether his attempts to kill Harry were worth it. Little does he know that in his choice that it was Lily and James Potter's child that the prophecy spoke of, it ensured Harry's survival."

Dumbledore nodded solemnly. "You are correct."

"Are you not Potter's girlfriend?" Moody questioned. "Why have you not told him about this?"

She pondered on the answer for the moment. "Initially, because I didn't like any of you, especially not anyone currently in Gryffindor because they all have a tendency to walk around as though they're better than anyone else and somehow avoid tripping over the egos they're slugging around... but then because I didn't think Harry should know about it. Because of the burden it would place on him, knowing that his parents could have survived if the Dark Lord had chosen otherwise." Her voice fell quieter. "I don't think I would be able to understand, nor feel any kind of empathy towards Neville even in Frank and Alice's situation as it stands today, if I had known that my parents could have lived."

To her left, Remus was staring down at the table.

"I didn't want to burden him with that." Aviana continued. "And now, it certainly would not have helped any of you."

"And why is that?" Dumbledore asked.

"Because, whilst some people seem to think that Harry is simply having visions, I know far better." Aviana said, smirking. "Harry is not having visions, Voldemort is using high levels of Legilimency to invade his mind whilst simultaneously using the creepy connection with his snake - which I've heard is a Maledictus, by the way - to project what Nagini is seeing into Harry's mind. I suggest, although some people seem to think that it's not a good idea-"

"It wasn't that I didn't believe you, I didn't want to scare Harry." Sirius said pointedly.

"I believe he would appreciate some honesty, actually." Aviana replied, looking up at him again. "Either way, I think he should learn Occlumency."

"I agree." Dumbledore nodded. "That can be arranged."

"Brilliant." Aviana smiled. "Well, what else would you like me to tell you? Or would you prefer if I just told you without you having to figure out all the intricacies?" She looked around expectantly, feeling altogether particularly happy in her situation. She supposed in any other situation someone may be affronted by the looks and the questioning but, and Aviana supposed that she had just been waiting for something like this, something that just allowed her to be the centre of attention for anything other than her attitude.

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