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-: fifth year :-


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It seemed that, whilst the Divination lesson had happened to make Aviana all the more talkative and personable towards Harry and his friends, the same could not be said for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

She sat amongst her Slytherin friends, besides Theo this time, and whilst it appeared she was trying to keep her face blank and stoic, the corner of her lips kept jumping upwards as she listened to whatever he was whispering in her ear. Harry turned to face Hermione, feeling a little irk in his stomach, just as she was about to ask something regarding what Ron had told her about Umbridge's presence in their Divination, when the High Inquisitator in question turned to face the class with her same, simpering smile that turned the irk in his stomach into a blaze of annoyance that could only be watered down into ash when the lesson ended.

"Wands away," Umbridge instructed them all smilingly, and there was a small scuffle as those who had managed to find some hope in this common practise of her classroom changing put away the wands they had eagerly brought out. "As we finished chapter one last lesson, I would like you all to turn to page nineteen today and commence chapter two, 'Common Defensive Theories and Their Derivation.' There will be no need to talk."

Turning of book pages followed, the mutterings of complaint around the classroom quickly doused by a glare from the teacher. But, at the back of the classroom, where Theo had convieniently forgotten his book and was using it as an excuse to continue his whisperings all whilst leaning on her shoulder, he came to realise that in all his efforts Aviana was, in fact, focused upon a Gryffindor sat at the front of the classroom.

Soon, she wasn't the only one. Students of both Slytherin and Gryffindor watched on, some in a maliciously-aided hope to see Hermione Granger recieve a detention for such a disruption and others hoping that perhaps, the hand sat imperitently still in the air would provide them enough distraction that perhaps they wouldn't need to read the book at all.

It took a moment, in all her own impertinence, for Umbridge herself to notice, but once she did she decisively ignored it. This, however, was changed, when Aviana made the almost abstract decision to push Theo out of his chair with a thump and cause everyone to turn to face them. "Oops." She shrugged, as though it was an accident as Theo scowled and got to his feet.

It was enough of a distraction to provide Umbridge the time to figure out what came of such eventuality and rose out of her chair and walked to the front row of desks before leaning down, face-to-face with Granger, so as to stop the onlooking students from hearing their conversation. Those who were smart enough, or perhaps daring enough, were quick to cast sonorus in this direction, thus amplifying the words spoken.

"What is it this time, Miss Granger?"

"I've already read chapter two," Hermione replied.

"Well then, proceed to chapter three."

"I've read that too. I've read the whole book."

Professor Umbridge blinked but recovered her poise almost instantly. "Well, then, you should be able to tell me what Slinkhard says about counterjinxes in chapter fifteen." She challenged, as it was most obvious to the professor that this was an impossible feat.

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