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-: fifth year :-


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Dumbledore cleared his throat. Percy was burning with anger, perhaps embarrassment, but he said nothing. "Cornelius," Dumbledore began with a polite smile, I do not deny - and no, am I sure, does Harry or Aviana - that they were in the Hog's Head that day, nor that they were trying to recruit students to a Defence Against the Dark Arts group. I am merely pointing out that Dolores is quite wrong to suggest that such a group was, at that time, illegal. if you remember, the Ministry decree banning all student societies was not put into effect until two days after the Hogsmeade meeting, so there were not rules broken in the Hog's Head at all."

Percy looked a lesser shade of red, paling quite quickly, as though he had been struck in the face by something very heavy. Fudge remained motionless in mid-bounce, his mouth hanging open. Aviana smiled, Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

Umbridge recovered first. "That's all very fine, Headmaster," she said, smiling sweetly. "But we are now nearly six months on from the introduction of Educational Decree Number Twenty-four. If the first meeting was not illegal, all those that have happened since most certainly are." 

Aviana's eyes had lit up, watching Dumbledore carefully. He glanced her way, momentarily, and the metaphorical ban on speaking had been lifted. "Professor Umbridge..." She began, carefully, confused. "What meetings?" She asked. Harry's gaze flickered over to her. She had cottoned on to something in Dumbledore's plan, that he hadn't.

"What meetings?" Umbridge repeated. "What on earth are you saying girl?" 

"What other meetings?" Aviana repeated, her face still wrinkled in confusion. 

"The other meetings that have taken place. The illegal ones." Umbridge reiterated. 

"Well," Dumbledore chimed in, surveying her with a polite interest over the top of his interlocked fingers, "they certainly would be illegal, if they had continued after the decree came into effect. Do you have any evidence that these meetings continued?" He asked. 

As Dumbledore spoke, Harry felt a rustle behind him, and rather thought Kingsley whispered something. He could have sworn too that he felt something brush against his side, gentle, like a draft or a bird wings, but looking down he saw nothing... except the lace of the shoes upon Aviana's supposedly injured, outstretched leg, move. 

"Evidence?" Umbridge repeated, with that horrible, wide, toad-like smile. "Have you not been listening Dumbledore? Why do you think Miss Edgecombe is here?" 

"Oh, she can tell us about six months' worth of meetings?" Dumbledore said, raising his eyebrows. "I was under the impression that she was merely reporting the meeting tonight." 

"Miss Edgecombe," Umbridge said at once, turning to Marietta once more. "Tell us how long these meetings have  been going on, dear. You can simply nod or shake your head, I'm sure that won't make the spots worse. Have they been happening regularly over the last six months?"

"It'll make the spots worse." Aviana said. "Really, Marietta, it's for your own good." 

"Her own good?" Umbridge made a face. "Is that a threat?"

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