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-: fifth year :-


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Potions had been abysmal, and it only furthered Aviana's beliefs that something more had happened with Snape than Harry was letting on. He ignored Harry for majority of the lesson, not even passing by his station to drop some scathing comment about his failures, but rather saving his dismay to a singular, cruel remark of a ruined potion sample - not for his own fault, but rather Hermione's, who thought he had finished with it, went to clean it up, and dropped it. 

Harry didn't talk to neither her, nor Ron, yet found Aviana in the Great Hall - she had finished her potion sample half an hour before him and was granted the ability to go and do some other studying - and ensured they were squished between Neville and Seamus, just so Hermione could stop nagging him about using Umbridge's office, and trying to get Ron involved with it too. 

He was in such a foul mood that he almost missed his careers meeting with McGonagall. Aviana had had to put up with his mood and yet still, after she had ventured out to one of the quieter courtyards for a smoke, she had guided him up to McGonagall's office, him having almost taken them both to Divination. 

She wished him luck and he disappeared within, finding Umbridge stood with her clipboard and he knew his mood couldn't get any better, nor could Aviana's seemingly pleasant disposition that afternoon remain - as she was inevitably going to join Aviana and Snape in there's straight after his. 

And Harry would be correct. Firenze had apparently been informed of the meetings and did not bother her too much when she was excused. Her feet dragged behind her as she left the ground floor classroom and directed herself down to the dungeons once more. She herself had not had many run-ins with Snape, despite his growing dislike as she fell into the similarities she shared with her father, and the ability she had to abuse much of the information she had been trusted to know. 

But nonetheless, she was acutely aware that this meeting would not take long. It wasn't as though she was unsure of what she wanted to do with her life, nor was she failing any of her subjects. It was simply a formality at that point, and she intended to treat it as such. 

Aviana knocked twice on the door of Snape's office before entering. "Afternoon, sir." She greeted genially, turning back to close the door behind her. When she looked back, her kindness soured. "Headmistress." Her voice was all the more serious. "You've taken time out of your busy schedule to sit in my careers meeting?" She asked. 

"I believe, Miss Rosier, that it is important for a headmistress to be not so... disjointed from their student body, and be aptly aware of what goes on within it." Umbridge replied haughtily, with the manner of a woman who believed she had simply changed the world with her simple sentence.

"That's called a dictatorship, actually." Aviana replied. "And I'll believe you find that your incessant over-management of the school will only further your eventual demise. If you cannot trust the professors to teach as they have been doing for years, then you'll inevitably lose their respect. And it is a professor whom a student respects, not a headmistress, why, the school will be mayhem by the time you leave."

"I do not believe I shall be leaving." Umbridge retorted. Snape said nothing, a hand already raised despairingly to his brow. "I am headmistress, Miss Rosier. Dumbledore shall not be returning, despite your best wishes."

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