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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Dumbledore had gone, and Umbridge was the new headmistress of Hogwarts. It was a nightmare, truly, and Aviana couldn't help but worry of it, of what would become of the school with a crazed, vindictive bitch at it's head. Certainly, it would be nothing as it had been the past few years, and much, much worse, but without the shadow of Dumbledore over them to protect them from the worst of it, with his authority gone, then the woman could do whatever she liked.

Not to mention that rumours surrounding the attempted arrest of Dumbledore and the specific circumstances around the event had circulated the school, and with Marietta in the hospital wing, Harry and Aviana had been left to recount it all to anyone who asked. Harry took it much kinder than Aviana, who refused entirely, and instead disappeared to the Hospital Wing far too often, citing a headache, and would return looking a touch more calm before.

Hermione had been taken aback when Harry told her that Aviana had taken the blame for the purple 'sneak' written across Marietta's face. She confided in Harry, the morning after Dumbledore took his leave of absence, that she had initially approached Aviana the evening following the meeting in the Hog's Head after Harry had once more assured her that it would be fine to have Aviana a part of the group, reminding her that she was just as good at Defence Against the Dark Arts as he was, especially considering her family, and had asked her advice on how to put together the correct punishment for someone snitching on them.

Apparently, Aviana hadn't even needed to look up from her History of Magic textbook to tell Hermione exactly what needed to be done and gotten on her work without notice, leading Hermione to believe that it was a jinx of her creation - and she cited the time Theodore Nott refused to turn up to lessons for a week the year before, and when he did he seemed to feel the need to look in every reflective surface, fingers brushing over his nose and cheeks in a similar pattern each time, as if ensuring the absence of any particular purple pustules.

"I checked her student records." Hermione told Harry, when they left Herbology a few days after Dumbledore leaving. "Aviana's, I mean."

"She does that all the time - where do you two keep getting a hold of these records?" Harry frowned, brushing a speck of mud off of his sleeve. "Seriously, it's insane."

"Never mind that." Hermione shook her head dismissively, "I got her student records, and Nott's, and the same week that Nott was taken ill for a week, Aviana was given detention in the Hospital Wing." She said.

"Doesn't she want to be a Healer?" Ron asked, falling into step beside them.

"Well, yes, so that must be why she keeps going to the Hospital Wing." Hermione replied. "Because she's used the jinx before, and she knows how to fix it. She only pretended she didn't in front of everyone to scare Marietta. Now, she keeps disappearing to the Hospital Wing because she's helping Madam Pomfrey brew the cure for it again." She smiled lightly, turning to Harry. "I don't think she's doing it for the Draught of Peace, Harry."

"You think she's always under the influence of a Draught of Peace?" Ron's gaze flickered over to Harry. "Mate, I'm not exactly the closest with the girl, but the fact that she's becoming a bit calmer could be because she doesn't have to put up with Malfoy now."

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