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-: fifth year :-


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Snape's lip curled. His gaze seemed to pass through Aviana and Sirius on either side of him and looked at Harry. "The headmaster has sent me to tell you, Potter, that it is his wish for you to study Occulemency this term." He said.

Aviana scoffed to his right, rolling her eyes. "His wish." She muttered. "Yeah, right." 

The word flickered with recognition. "Occlumency?" Harry repeated. The same word had been said to him so many times, as Aviana tried, and very almost managed to reason away his vision. But whilst Occlumency had been a much too magic term for his understanding, possession had made sense. But now...

"Yes, Potter." Snape drawled. "Occlumency. The magical defence of the mind against external penetration. An obscure branch of magic, but a highly useful one." 

Aviana leant forward in her chair. "Told you." She said pointedly to her father. Sirius rolled his eyes, arms crossed over his chest as he glared ruefully at the teacher, as though he was hoping the greasy spot in his kitchen would combust on the spot. 

"Why do I have to study Occlumency?" Harry replied. 

"Because the headmaster thinks it a good idea." Snape said.

"Not just the headmaster." Aviana's eyes narrowed. "I dragged Harry out of here to tell him that not even an hour after we got here, and now it's all Dumbledore's idea?" 

Snape ignored her. "You will receive private lessons once a week. Private, without your girlfriend as your little lackey following you around." Aviana made to say something, but Harry's hand appeared just above her knee right on time. "You will not tell anybody what you are doing, least of all Dolores Umbridge. You understand?" 

"Yes." Harry said, sounding not in the least enthused about it. "Who's going to be teaching me?" He felt Aviana tense beside him, already wincing, glancing over nervously to him. "What?" He asked. 

"I am." Snape said, an eyebrow raised. Harry felt an awful sensation, as though his insides were melting entirely. What on earth had he done to deserve this? On top of everything else as well? He turned, all of a sudden to Sirius for support.

"Why can't Dumbledore teach Harry?" Sirius asked aggressively. "Why you?" He spat. 

"I suppose because it is a headmaster's privilege to delegate less enjoyable tasks." The Potions professor drawled. "I assure you, I did not beg for the job." 

"Would it not also be beneficial for Harry to take advantage of the obvious connection he and the Dark Lord share and learn Legilimency also?" Aviana asked, quite seriously, despite the fact she had the expression of someone who had been told she was the one to dissect a frog for the next potion. 

"Headmaster Dumbledore does not deem that necessary. Nor has he pushed for this supposedly 'obvious connection' you speak of." Snape didn't even look at her, acting as though she wasn't even there. "And I would advice you to refer to Voldemort correctly, lest you be mistaken for a Death Eater like your father."

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