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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana did not reply instantly, eyes fixated on Umbridge, narrowed into a glare. "How is that any of your concern?" She questioned, finally.

"Miss Rosier, it is not as though it were a week from the holidays. It was a mere few hours until you would have boarded the Hogwarts Express back to London and returned home. Why was it necessary for you to leave early?" Umbridge pushed.

"There was a personal matter I needed to attend to." Aviana replied.

"Miss Rosier, this is not a time for vagueness."

"I'm not being vague." She rolled her eyes. "I just said it was a personal matter. That's not being vague. I am a private person, it was a personal matter that is not anyone's business, not even the Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic's business. It is a personal matter."

Umbridge scribbled something down. A singular word, before looking back up. "As I said, Miss Rosier, it is understandable that Mr Potter and the Weasleys would leave so suddenly, Mr Weasley being taken ill. But you were on the list to remain behind at Hogwarts this holiday, and, well, as far as I'm aware you are not particularly known for being close to any of the Weasleys, certainly not close enough to leave school due to Mr Weasley's illness." She said. "Why did you leave Hogwarts a day early? It certainly was not for Mr Weasley's sake." 

"It was a personal matter, and is quite frankly, none of your concern." Aviana replied, and as she went to roll her eyes again, she found herself under Snape's glare.

"Miss Rosier, why is it that you are refusing to discuss the reasons behind why you left early?" Umbridge asked, her voice a little stronger, less girly now. "You do understand that this is a serious conversation, and that your father has broken out of Azkaban and is now on the run?"

Aviana stared at her, before stifling a laugh with her hand. "Are you implying that I left Hogwarts early in order to plan the breakout form Azkaban? Seriously? I know you believe me to be very intelligent-" she was certainly never going to let that go, "-but it would be impossible for me to organise an entire prison break in a couple of weeks... I would at least need a month." Snape let out an audible sigh. 

"You would plan a prison break in a month?" Umbridge repeated.

The teenager grinned. "That's called a hypothetical and now you're just being gullible."

"I am your-

"As of right now you're not anything to me except a ministry official who has gone rather off base in her questioning." Aviana interrupted. "If you were my teacher then you wouldn't have any ability to do this and thus I do not have to respect you as I would a teacher. I am treating you simply as I would any other Ministry of Magic worker who I know is employing underhand questioning techniques and who I am also aware is a prejudiced, jaded bitch." Aviana smiled. "I am correct, no?" 

"Miss Rosier, language." 

"What? Am I not being interrogated by the secretary-"

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