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-: fifth year :-


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Slytherin had beaten Hufflepuff. Extravagantly, and despite the treatment Aviana had received from her Slytherin housemates in the past couple of months, she was revered a hero when that last goal was scored, in the last minute of the game before Malfoy managed to catch the Snitch for once, and Slytherin won. 

It wasn't even by a slight margin that Hufflepuff could win. They were struggling, that bit was more than obvious, and Aviana had ensured they were at least one hundred points ahead before the Snitch was caught and by the end of it, they were first in line to win to the Cup. And Aviana was treated like a hero. She was, despite having so much to do outside of the game, had managed to whip the Slytherin team into top-shape before the match and ensured they kept that up during it. 

It was honestly amazing, and Harry had squished his way into the Gryffindor stands with Dean and Seamus to watch the match - Ron simply refused to come and Harry didn't blame him; it would do him no good to see that - to watch the game. He hadn't quite been able to appreciate just how talented she was at the game when playing against her, and it was clear that she was simply just as good at it as she was everything out. 

And it played into the testament that was so often shown within her; that if she wasn't good at it then she wouldn't try at all. Which was why, Hermione quipped, that she had a particularly difficult time being nice to people. Harry hadn't spoken to her all evening. He didn't know whether it was the fact that Aviana was seemingly the only one able to understand him or if it was due to the fact that his anger had once again flourished ever so easily at any hint at disagreement now that he was left with little to do these days. Without the D.A., without being able to talk to Sirius, without being able to talk to Hermione or Ron without the former jumping down his throat about Occlumency or answering back to Umbridge. 

But he would somehow calm down in time, spending plenty of it away from Gryffindor tower, away from everyone, with his girlfriend who had no qualms after fighting back against the teachers and knew the exact places where Peeves wouldn't suddenly start tirade against the Hogwarts students and where members of Inquisitorial Squad or Umbridge would pass every so often so they could annoy them thoroughly by accidentally making out in front of them.

It was a little easier to forget just how difficult it would be for Gryffindor to win the Quidditch Cup with Slytherin now firmly in the lead when his girlfriend was just so pretty and wise. 

On the final match of the final weekend of the Quidditch season and May, Aviana made her way to the Great Hall wearing one of her usual outfits - primarily dark green, a black skirt, her hair plaited in two pretty cherry red pigtails as she was more than aware that she simply wouldn't get away with not wearing anything red and there was a high chance that one of the people she had slowly becoming closer to within the house would force a hat down over her hair not soon later. 

Certainly, she would prefer if they didn't win, seeing as she thoroughly wished to win the Quidditch Cup, but if she was going to support anyone during the match, then she would prefer it to be Gryffindor than Ravenclaw - and that certainly wasn't just because she had a hearty disliking for Cho Chang, who had refused to do anything remotely annoying on account of Marietta's punishment after she snitched. She supposed Cho would prefer to not have an outbreak of bright purple pustules, and she didn't blame her.

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