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-: fifth year :-


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"I'll bet you wish you hadn't given up Divination now, don't you, Hermione?" Parvati asked at breakfast one morning, a few days following Trelawney's sacking. Hermione looked up, briefly, from the Daily Prophet; Parvati was curling her eyelashes around her wand and examining the effect in the back of her spoon.

"Not really." Hermione replied indifferently, looking back down at her paper. "I never really liked horses." She turned the page, scanning the columns.

"He's not a horse, he's centaur!" Lavender sounded shocked, distracted from her bowl of cereal and evidently disgusted at Hermione's disgust.

"A gorgeous centaur." Parvati sighed.

"Gross." Aviana wrinkled her nose, slipping her arm into the crux of Harry's elbow, who almost dropped his bacon sandwich he was so shocked. He didn't know why; now that Aviana had almost entirely given up spending time with the Slytherins - save for the often serious conversations with Blaise and the time spent with Pansy under the conditions that they were not allowed to speak on any particularly serious topics - a lot of former reservations (and there truly weren't that many, considering the activities that began it all) had been dropped.

Parvati glared at her. "Why is it gross." She asked, her wand tilted less towards her face and a little more towards where Harry and Aviana were sitting.

"You want to shag something with four legs?" Aviana replied, eyebrows raised. A small, sage smile appeared upon Hermione's face behind the newspaper. "Like I've seen some fucked up shit, but this sounds worse than of that."

"If you're going to be all depressing and shit, you should go and sit with the Slytherins like you should be." Lavender replied.

"And you two were sobbing over Trelawney when she got sacked, that cleared up pretty quickly when Dumbledore introduced the centaur." Aviana replied, reaching to refill her cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I thought you two were all upset." Hermione added.

"Yes, well, we are upset." Lavender assured them. "We went to her office to see her, we took her some daffodils - not the honking ones that Sprout's got, nice ones."

"How is she?" Harry queried.

"Drunk again?" Aviana asked.

They ignored her, although Parvati made a disgruntled 'hmph' noise. "Not very good, poor thing." Lavender told Harry. "She was crying and saying she'd rather leave the castle forever than stay here if Umbridge is still here, and I don't blame her. Umbridge was horrible to her, wasn't she?"

"So, she was drunk." Aviana concluded, and stirred a teaspoon of coffee into her mug. They had their first Divination lesson with Firenze that morning, and she was always particularly prone to feeling entirely asleep in those lessons. She was ignored, yet again.

"I've got a feeling that Umbridge has only just started being horrible." Hermione said darkly.

"Impossible." Ron scoffed, tucking into a large plate of eggs and bacon. "She can't get any worse than she's already been."

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