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-: fifth year :-


. . .

That night, Aviana was called down to dinner and was greeted by the sight of the kitchen being absolutely covered in red and gold, a banner over the covered dining table reading Congrats Ron and Hermione - Gryffindor Prefects

She hadn't told anyone that she had gotten prefect, not even Sirius. Harry seemed to have kept his mouth shut, although he did look over at her with slightly wide eyes as she stopped in the doorway, before slipping into her usual seat.

"I thought we'd have a little party, not a sit-down dinner." Mrs Weasley explained. "Your father and Bill are on their way, Ron, I've sent them both owls and they're thrilled," she added, beaming.

Lupin, Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Mad-Eye Moody were sat in there as well, and Aviana seemed to be watching the auror rather warily, as if still skeptical it was the real him.

"Oh, Alastor, I am glad you're here," Mrs Weasley asked brightly, as Mad-Eye shrugged off his traveling cloak. "We've been wanting to ask you for ages - could you have a look in the writing desk in the drawing room and tell us what's inside it? We haven't wanted to open it just in case it's something really nasty."

"No problem, Molly..." Moody's electric-blue eye swiveled upward and staredf ixedly through the ceiling of the kitchen. "Drawing room..." he growled, as the pupil contracted. "Desk in the corner? Yeah, I see it... Yeah, it's a boggart.. Want me to go up and get rid of it, Molly?"

Mrs Weasley denied, saying she would get rid of it later, telling Moody instead about Ron's new position as prefect, and the auror delved into that conversation. 

Mrs Weasley was in such a good mood she did not even complain that they had brought Mundungus with them too; he was wearing a long overcoat that seemed oddly lumpy in unlikely places and declined the offer to remove it and put it with Moody's traveling cloak. 

"Well, I think a toast is in order," said Mr. Weasley, when everyone had a drink. He raised his goblet. "To Ron andHermione, the new Gryffindor prefects!"

Aviana silently raised her goblet, taking a hurried sip from it before clutching it rather tightly, refusing to look at anything particularily red or gold, eyes finding Harry again, who tipped his goblet in her direction. 

"What about you, Sirius?" Ginny asked, thumping a choking Hermione on the back. Tonks had just told them about her lack of prefect badge, and several of them turned to Sirius, who seemed amused at the question.

"No one would have made me a prefect, I spent too much time in detention with James. Lupin was the good boy, he got the badge." He said, with his usual bark-like laugh. 

"I think Dumbledore might have hoped that I would be able to exercise some control over my best friends." said Lupin. "I need scarcely say that I failed dismally." 

Scattered laughter could be heard, and in the crowded room of Gryffindors, Aviana felt the similar feeling that she had felt when Mrs Weasley found out about Ron becoming prefect. 

She sat herself in a corner, dark eyes flickering around the kitchen. Hermione and Lupin were talking about house elf rights, Mrs Weasley was fussing over Bill's hair and Harry was stood in a corner with a rather suspicious looking Mundungus and the twins. Ron was going on about his room to anyone who listened.

Fred and George ran off looking delighted, leaving Harry stood in the corner. He was listening, wide eyed, to Kingsley and Lupin discussing why he hadn't become prefect.

"Hey Potter." He turned around to look at her, and Aviana moved over on the discarded crates she was leaning against, patting the empty spot. "Still feeling jealous?" She asked, as he hesitated, before leaning beside her.

"Not particularily. Just confused still." He replied, gazing blankly into space. "Why didn't you tell anyone? Sirius doesn't even know, does he?" 

"Nobody does other than you." Aviana said, her voice suddenly turning harsh. "And if you tell someone I'll make your year miserable." Within a moment, the harshness was gone. "I have the power to do that now." She mused. 

"So you have it but don't want it, and I don't have it and do want it." Harry sighed, looking around the kitchen. "Typical."

"That's just how life works. You get into trouble just one too many times and that's it. I reckon you were out of the listing when.." Aviana trailed off, looking thoughtfully at him. "Actually, I don't think you ever had a chance." She poked him on the forehead, right beside his scar. "Never ever, not with this."

"You're actually pretty fun. Have you got something other than butterbeer, is that why you actually look like you don't want to kill me?" Harry asked, peering over into her goblet and leaning backwards. "Firewhiskey?"

"Oh keep your voice down you prat. Moody's heard that now." Aviana shifted in her seat, glancing over to Mad-Eye before lifting the goblet to her lips, throwing her head back and swallowing the rest of the amber liquid in one gulp, wincing when she looked back. "Tell Weasley to shut up about his broom. And tell Sirius I've gone up to bed if he asks." 

"Will do." Harry nodded, watching as the girl disappeared upstairs. And once again, she had managed to drop her prefect badge. He pocketed it, deciding the last thing he wanted to deal with was an angry Aviana.

Unaware that another person had seen it, and the entire interaction.

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