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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana did not speak to anyone for several days following. Harry followed her like a lost puppy down corridors, trying to pull her to a stop but she brushed past him, her lips in a thin line, and often was seen going down into the Potions corridor to talk to Snape, of all people. Once more, she didn't speak to Draco, but nor did she speak to Pansy, Blaise or anyone else. Not even teachers, who had heard from Madam Pomfrey what had happened in the hospital wing and, simultaneously concerned to the fact that her father had broken out of jail or that they might be on the end of one of her scathing insults, did not bother her when her presence in their lessons sat solely in staring out of the window beside her. 

The girl herself hardly knew what to make of it all. There was a small vial of pearlescent potion on her at all times, and she spent all her free time holed up in her room, completing her missed work, distracted by her father's mugshot and the news story hidden behind the prison break that proved her right, because Broderick Bode had been killed by the cutting of Devil's Snare she had seen and Miriam Strout had been suspended. 

She didn't turn up at any meals, and it was a good thing too, because Draco had no other cause but to gleefully converse about Hagrid being put on probation by Umbridge, and would have annoyed her to no end. But she didn't miss the odd glances he sent towards her in lessons at times, and she took to trying to read his mind to, to no avail - she believed herself too concerned that what she would find within his thoughts would be even more annoying that what eventually came out of his mouth. 

Rumours spread throughout Hogwarts with the utmost terror, just as they had done when Sirius broke out of Azkaban. But unlike then, there was no appearance of Dementors and the consistent gossip seemed to boil down to one thing. Whispers, whispers throughout the castle, that seeing as the Ministry had allowed for so many Death Eaters to escape, and the lax excuse of Sirius being behind the escape given by the Prophet  lacked a necessary conviction, and many were no longer looking at Harry as though he had betrayed them all by claiming Voldemort's return but instead that, perhaps, he could be right.

Teachers too, who were always seen in small groups in the corridors and speaking in low volumes, which was only reasserted by the fact that Umbridge's latest decree as High Inquisitor had banned teachers from speaking to students about anything other than the subject they taught.

It certainly didn't help that now every single Divination and Care of Magical Creatures class was observed by Umbridge, who stood with her quill and clipboard at the back of each lesson, lurking around to try and catch mistakes. 

The meetings of the D.A., once Harry set a date, continued with a renewed vigour. It seemed everyone had been spurred on by the news of the Death Eaters' escape and were working harder than ever before, which included Aviana, who, in her refusal to talk to anyone, had taken to sending Shield Charms (which they were practising), to everyone who so much looked at her. Of all people, it suddenly appeared as though Neville had been the best person to pair her with, as the sight of her in the ward at St. Mungo's had been enough to instill a certain emotion with him that removed the fore fronted fear and instead, he said nothing. 

Which certainly didn't matter to Aviana. 

However, after the third lesson where she had sent a Shield Charm in Zacharias Smith's direction just one too many times, Harry decided that he couldn't just exist in Aviana's anger and he actually had to do something about it. 

"Aviana." He said, as soon as he had dismissed the meeting for that night. As usual, she was first on her feet and pulling her bag over her shoulder, but to his relief, she stopped short. "I need to talk to you." Harry said. 

Aviana didn't say anything, but did not move, and they waited for the rest of the members to slowly filter out the door. Cho was the last to leave, behind Marietta Edgecombe, and she looked back wistfully. Aviana glared at her, leaning against the back wall, arms crossed over her chest and Cho meekly left.

"As if she's still trying it." Aviana rolled her eyes. 

Harry rose his eyebrows. "Well I wouldn't blame her, considering you haven't spoken to me since Tuesday the first week back." He replied.

Her eyes flickered over to him. "What do you mean?"

"I know that your dad breaking out of Azkaban is awful," Harry looked uncomfortable, like he didn't know what to say, "but... but refusing to talk to me... we're supposed to be dating and I don't know how many times we can keep having the same conversation about how I just want to talk to you  about these things and all you do when something, anything, happens and you just... shut off. Don't you ever think that maybe just talking to me might be better than just not saying anything?" 

And once more, Aviana stood in silence, her eyes flittering over to Harry, down to the pillows he was slowly collecting. From her bag emerged a small vial, of which she took a small sip. "I see." She said eventually, pulling herself up onto the windowsill to sit. "I'm certain... well... I... William breaking out of Azkaban has perhaps rattled me more than I expected it to." She admitted slowly. 

"But... isn't that what you thought would happen? Isn't that why you joined the Order?" Harry shook his head. "You said that you joined the Order for your safety because you thought your dad might break out of prison and... and come to kill you." 

Aviana didn't say anything again, her legs kicking out in front of her once, twice, ankles hitting the stone wall dully before stilling. She bit the inside of her cheek, face hollowing, paler at the thought. "I didn't think it would happen so soon." She murmured, pulling at the rings on her finger. 

Harry came to sat next to her, watching her movements. She wore Sirius's signet ring now, without care, around her middle finger - it was too big for her pinkie - and the one that Harry got her for Christmas. "I thought it would happen later, when the Dark Lord had truly, fully, emerged as a danger to society once more, when it was confirmed by the Ministry - because that will happen, especially now that his inner circle had returned to full power... and I've been thinking a lot."

"About that?" Harry asked.

"No." She said shortly. "No, not about that."

"Then what?" Harry pushed.

"About the fact that ever since August, when Dumbledore decided that I was incapable of living alone for any longer, that my entire life has been turned on it's head and all of a sudden I find myself terrified of my father, my adoptive father, because I'm a blood traitor." 

And the words hung between them, Aviana's eyes on the floor. 

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