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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana didn't eat breakfast. 

As soon as they left the drawing room Harry watched as she made her way hastily upstairs, the sound of a door slamming coming not long after she disappeared from sight. He returned to the  kitchen, hardly able to eat anything himself, and spoke only once to Mrs Weasley, telling her that Aviana didn't really...  well, eat, unless it was on her own terms. 

Nobody saw her, not even Sirius, who had taken it upon himself to put together a plate and go and knock on her door, saw her until lunchtime, when their Hogwarts trunks arrived, appearing suddenly within the Entrance Hall, all neatly packed by the house-elves in the castle. 

She emerged from her room with the sound of shouting at Mrs Black's portrait in the hall, coming down the stairs so quietly that Ron jumped out of his skin when he noticed her.

"Fucking hell!" He exclaimed, straightening up from the trunk he had pulled off the pile; none of them were labelled, proving it particularly tricky to decipher which was whose. Harry looked up almost instantly, as did Sirius. 

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!" Mrs Weasley's astonished voice echoed through from the kitchen, where she was magicking the dishes from lunch to wash themselves. "What did I just hear?"

"Nothing, Mum." Ron wagered, awaiting a comeback which never came.

"Lucky bugger." Fred muttered.

"Fred! Language." Molly shouted, and the twin grimaced.

"Aviana, how did you sleep?" Sirius asked, carefully. 

"I didn't."  

That was obvious enough - Aviana equally looked well-rested and as though she had never slept a day in her life; there were purple shadows under her eyes that were always there, and yet despite the fact she was in her pyjamas still her hair was perfectly straight, carried over one shoulder and every bit as pretty as she always looked. Fred and George sniggered, attempting to hide it behind their hands as they looked over the trunks and Harry looked away from her; he had been staring. 

Sirius straightened up. "I'll get these upstairs so you can all change." He said. "Are you going to St. Mungo's?" He asked. 

Aviana didn't say anything for a moment, swallowing as she folded her arms. "I might." She said. "I need to get changed." She said, decisively, and disappeared back up the stairs without another word. 

"So is she coming or not?" Ginny asked. "I think I have her trunk," she grinned and turned to Harry, "want to go take it to your girlfriend?" She asked. 


"Doesn't seem like she's too happy with you, mate." George chimed.

"No point having all these visions if your girlfriend isn't happy with you." Fred grinned. Now that they knew their dad was okay, and Harry had spent more time certainly not feeling as though he was a snake, he was beginning to feel less and less like those looks they had given him were less suspicious and more confused than anything. "Especially considering that she looks like that."

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