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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"Well." Aviana looked briskly over the hospital bed. Draco, forever dramatic, as cemented by this and the Hippogriff 'attack' in third year, had insisted upon recovering from his broken nose under the care of Madam Pomfrey as opposed to what any normal person would - just fix the break with magic and move on. "I've taken it upon myself to not talk to you for a while."

"What?" Draco could still seemingly manage to get that out, sitting up in his bed, where he had been groaning and moaning about aches and pains for the past few minutes.

"Yes, I don't feel like talking to you at all, in any situation, and so I'm implementing that now." Aviana said, decisively. "There have been many times where I have considered doing this in the past, but this time I have decided on implementing it." 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" 

"You're shit at Quidditch." Aviana said. "You're shit at it, and you decide on using tactics that provide unfair play to make up for it. Quite frankly, it's annoying. You also constantly disregard anything that I say - including telling you to shut the fuck up when insulting Weasley and Potter earlier, and so I will not speak to you. At all. Until I decide otherwise." 

"I do not disregard-"

"At the welcome feast, this year, and in the Common Room not long after, you told me I was behaving erratically for my outbursts with Umbridge. Both times I explained to you why I am angry, and both times you didn't listen in my explanation. This has been consistent over the years. Why would I talk to someone who does not hold any respect for what I have to say?" Aviana asked.

He settled back down in his pillows, Pansy holding out a warm cloth to wipe off the remnants of dried blood. "As if you have the ability to uphold that." Draco scoffed.

"I have a bruise on my arm the size of a grapefruit and I went through several weeks of detention in which I carved lines into my hand with a charmed quill." Aviana said coldly. "I broke my arm in second year the first time we played, and when I fell off my broom when we were practising in summer of last year I didn't even flinch. Whilst you decide to be conniving and overdramatic, I've decided that I will not be afflicted by the aches and pains that come by me and it's by that same willpower that I've decided not to be your friend for some time." 

"Really, Aviana, this is a bit too much, even for you." Theo said. "What's so bad about a bit of teasing?"

"I didn't say anything about the badges, nor about the singing, as underhand as those tactics may have been to secure our victory. That was in the name of Quidditch. But, Draco, you have gone beyond the means at which I can stand and say that I am your friend. My upset was erratic to you, although you seemed to believe that my father deserved to go to Azkaban - although we both know what your father has done -" she added in a whisper, and Pansy's eyes drifted over to the silhouette of Madam Pomfrey in her office "- My father went to prison and my mother abandoned me and yet you still find a way to say that Umbridge was right in doing that, and that my upset in direct relation to that was misplaced."

"You've been shagging Potter for a month, you're telling me that's not out of character?" 

"Perhaps. But nonetheless, it was again you who pushed me to do that, and I'm more than happy to continue with that, considering his own anger toward Umbridge aligns with my own beliefs. Harry Potter, whom we have both hated, agrees on something I do. That's more than you can say. I would ask for you to forgive me, but I simply couldn't give less of a shit as to what you think of my actions, but that leads me to believe that Harry is more of a friend than you have been this past year, Draco." 

"What about the rest of us?" Pansy asked, quite meekly. 

"This has nothing to do with  you." Aviana said sharply. "The amount of times that Draco has pissed me off now severely outweighs the time that he hasn't, and for that I'm shunning him. And certainly, if I hadn't been shagging Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived and the star Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team who can't help but beat Draco every single time, before, then I certainly would be now." 

She glanced around the group, awaiting anymore pushback. When she got none, Aviana smiled, simply. "In that case, I bid the rest of you goodnight. I'm going to go congratulate my boyfriend on his win, which I haven't been able to do yet, because someone has been acting like a little bitch." 

And she flounced out of the Hospital Wing without another word.

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