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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana stayed in her room for the next few days after that, far too full of pride to let anyone from the house see the burns on her palms. Especially not the twins - but when they saw the bandages left out and the lack of Aviana at any dinner, they seemed to know exactly why she wasn't coming downstairs.

Sirius had Kreacher deliver her meals to her, sometimes taking them up himself, as well as bandages and a salve on occassion. And so, Fred and George knew that Aviana had most definitely had attempted to get into the library.

The owner of the house was substituting for the lack of library for Aviana to spend time in by getting Mundungus Fletcher to get her books from Flourish and Blotts, as well as a couple of muggle stores.

And Aviana was waiting for another delivery one day when Sirius entered her room, empty handed. "Mundungus not made it yet?""

"He's in a lot of trouble." Sirius looked extremely unimpressed. "He messed up on a job and I'm sure that we'll be seeing the consequences of that later."

"Later?" Aviana asked, looking up from a sketchbook, and when Sirius looked over he saw a rather detailed sketch of one of the artifacts kept in one of the cabinets downstairs.

"Harry is coming to stay."

"How delightful, I'm guessing that is what Dumbledore was here for and not to announce that another one of my Slytherin friends who parents are complete brainless arses are coming to stay?" Aviana replied.

"You have wonderful deduction skills." Sirius replied, and Aviana shrugged, frowning as the man sat down on the end of her bed. "Aviana, I'm asking just for you to be nice to him."

"I will do. Well, I'll be civil. As nice as I am to any of my classmates here already." The Rosier girl replied, a shrug of her shoulders following her words. Sirius tried hard not to comment on the multiple moments on which rather distasteful things were said between Aviana, Ron and Hermione.

"He and his cousin were attacked by Dementors, Aviana. He was expelled and Dumbledore was furious, but he's managed to fix it." Sirius informed her.

"Well, that's just like Potter isn't it. Always manages to get out of trouble. I would be attacked by Dementors and off I would go to Azkaban for even attempting to cast a patronus." The girl snapped, and Sirius narrowed his eyes.

"Aviana, if the same thing had happened to you I'm sure Dumbledore would have fought for you as well. I would have made sure of it." His voice was the slightest bit gruffer than usual, and Aviana felt confused.

"You don't even know me, Sirius - and I don't know you. Besides, you and everyone else in this house hate Slytherins - included Dumbledore. The only person who would even try to back me is Snape - and he looks at me like the newt spleen that Theo dropped on his shoe that one time." The girl replied, and Sirius stifled a laugh.

"I think you're forgetting I have rather the experience with Dementors." Sirius told her, once he had managed to calm down. "Doesn't matter if I knew them or not, not child should have to go to prison for trying to protect themselves."

"Even if they were a spoilt Slytherin? I doubt anyone would, and no offence, but I think Dumbledore might be the only person who could get someone like me out of that mess, and not even Snape vouching for me could get him to do it, let alone you." The Rosier girl shrugged. "But I'm used to it."

"None taken." Sirius said, despite looking somewhat indifferent towards her words. "But he got you out of your house right? When your parents disappeared?"

"Again, no offence - although this one is pretty obvious, but I would much rather be at home right now. I couldn't care if the only people there with me were the staff, I wouldn't be confined to my room because everyone hates me and got my hand practically burned off. And I could have seen the Malfoys."

"I always wonder how cousin Narcissa is doing. Surprised I didn't see the lovely Lucius in prison." Sirius's tone was dripping with sarcasm, but it seemed to spark a realisation within Aviana.

"Of course - I wasn't just randomly placed here. The Malfoys are far too close to my dad - and considering my father is a known death eater, both as known death eaters - and you're their cousin. Meaning I actually do have a reason to be here. Well that's just fantastic." Aviana's voice dropped to her monotone usual, as she realised that there was no way she would be staying with anyone else that summer, and indeed had connections to the people in that house.

"Sure you do." Sirius said, although he didn't seem too convinced by this theory. "You sound absolutely ecstatic about it though."

"I do try, on occasion." Aviana looked pleased at herself as she turned back to her drawing.

"All I'm asking is that you're cordial with him. I can't have the both of you actually getting into a fight." Sirius said.

"I'll try my best - oh, could I use someone's owl soon? I need to write letters to Blaise and Draco ensuring them that I'm not dead and that Zolly hasn't been sending the letters I receive at the manor back with Avalar." Aviana asked, as Sirius got up to move over to the door.

"I'll organise something for you. And Harry's coming tonight, whilst there's a meeting going on, so please don't get into any arguments before that's over." Sirius finished, before exiting and shutting the door behind him.

"I won't." Aviana replied gently, closing her sketchbook and moving over to the old dusty desk, retrieving some parchment so that she could write to her friends, leaving out all the details that she was staying with the people she was.

They would actually believe that she was in France with her mother's family.

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