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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"What's that Avi?"

Aviana had completely forgot she was sat at the Slytherin table in the middle of breakfast, and had gotten so lost in the letter that she hadn't realised her friends staring at her.

"Nothing.. something from my mum." She folded it up and pushed it into the pocket beside Zolly's letter, the signet ring falling in there as well. "We should get to class - does anyone have my timetable?"

She had History of Magic first, and after hearing conversation from the Gryffindor table as she walked past with Pansy and with the last couple notes on Sirius's letter in her mind, Aviana formed a plan.

Arriving at the lesson, she abandoned her friends outside of the door and tucked herself into a small alcove besides a particularily large tapestry. Soon enough, she heard the Gryffindor's approach and she pulled herself further into the gap in the wall.

"Blimey Hermione, you sound far too awake for this early. And with Binns first?" Ron's voice was loud enough and by this point recognisable. Waiting for the right moment, Aviana poked her head out of the gap and saw them pass, darting out. 

"Keep complaining Weasley. Potter, I need to speak to you." The three of them jumped out of their skin as she appeared, eyes wide as they looked back at her. "Merlin do you always look this utterly gormless? Are you deaf as well as blind Potter?" Aviana continued, none of them really able to get a word in edgeways before she took a hold of Harry's robes and tugged him away.

"A please would have been nice." Harry groaned and tugged off her hand from his shoulders. "Nice uniform, can't wait for McGonagall to see that."

"Aw, it looks great, doesn't it?" Aviana completely brushed off the comment as she examined her outfit in the reflection of the window just across from where they were stood. 

"Aviana, just because of all that stuff with your prefect badge does not mean we are friends. Quite the opposite actually. Considering all the shit you said on the train." Harry pushed on, face contorted at the memories of such event. 

"In case you haven't noticed, Potter, I have never expressed interest in becoming your friend. That was all on your side. If you haven't noticed, you just called me by my first name, even after what happened on the train." Aviana glanced around them, sighing. "It's as if they have no interest in actually getting on with their lives and instead oogle at people as if they're animals in a zoo!"

Of course, the Rosier girl was referring to the passerbys, who were all taking a good look at the Slytherin whose father had gone to jail and the Gryffindor who claimed that Voldemort had returned.

"Let's get this over and done with." Harry mumbled. "This classroom's always empty." He raised his voice so that Aviana could hear and tugged her through the doors. "I practised in here last year." He explained when she looked confused. "So what do you want."

"Could you help me with my necklace?" The girl asked, and Harry blinked. "I got something I want to add to it, and the clasp is stuck."

"You dragged me here so that you could.. nevermind." Harry grumbled as the girl turned around, leaning against the desk and moving her hair out of the way. He managed to get the clasp undone, and watched as she pulled something out of her pocket and slid it onto the chain, before holding the two opposite end to the boy behind her. Upon doing that, he moved around to face her, watching as she settled on desk.

"Is that all you wanted me for? Couldn't you have asked Parkinson to do it for you?" Harry asked, watching as the girl moved the thing she had added around until it sat comfortably on the skin between her open collar.

"No actually. Sirius sent me a letter, and I want to know why he signed it Snuffles." Aviana replied, pulling the letter out and pointing to the bottom part. "He said to ask you, so I did. Surely that isn't a problem."

"What? No.. no it isn't a problem. I don't see why it couldn't have waited for you to ask but.." Harry shrugged. "He, my dad, Lupin and Pettigrew had nicknames for each other. It's too suspicious to sign off as Sirius or Padfoot, so he went with Snuffles."

"Really? Snuffles? Of all names?" Aviana shook her head. "Thank Merlin my name is alright. Imagine one of them trying to give us proper names."

"Us?" Harry questioned.

"Oh, my mum and your mum were friends. They all were, obviously. But considering the nicknames I do know - Moony is the best by the way - it's a miracle somebody had some sense otherwise we would have been assigned animals at birth and been given a name with one of their features?" Aviana finished with a sigh. "Don't mind me, just have a lot to get off my chest. Very confusing finding out your real father."

"Well, if you don't mind, I will be getting to class and leaving you to deal with that confusion." Harry replied, standing up and clearly not happy with having been dragged away. "Nice talk, Rosier."

And at his use of the last name, Aviana nodded. 

Glad he had gotten the memo.

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