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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The effects of the Draught of Peace didn't last long. That perpetual calmness that spread throughout the entirety of her body and forced her to relax lasted a few hours, and she slept through a couple in the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey hovering over her.

As the effects began to wear off, the newspaper article was slid under her nose once more and she stared down at the picture of her father and his other Death Eater cohorts. Apparently, when Aviana asked why the hell anyone would do that, it was to allow her to take in the news whilst under the influence of the Draught so she could somehow process it.

Aviana thought it was bullshit.

Because she was still just as angry that she somehow hadn't thought ahead and protected herself and absolutely terrified that now her father, alongside some of the most infamous, most dangerous Death Eaters, was now somewhere out in the world... taking over the empty manor, finding out everything she had done, coming to kill her...

She was left alone in there, save for Madam Pomfrey, for majority of the day, not wanting any visitors and the nurse enforcing that. When the potion finally wore off she simply sat there in silence, and Madam Pomfrey watched through the window set in the wall of her office, entirely concerned.

Certainly, Aviana was in shock and scared for her life, but she was not a student that frequented the Hospital Wing often - not at all - too focused on her studies to worry about a menial cold. And in that sense, to see her sit upon a bed, unmoving, simply staring down at the moving mugshot of her father as though she was somehow communicating with him through it was unnerving.

Her lips moved wordlessly, hands clasped together in her lap, and she didn't look up at the sound of the doors swinging out.

"Poppy." Snape nodded in greeting.

"Severus, I don't believe Aviana is ready for-"

Snape glanced over to the girl sat in the bed, lowering his voice. "I have held Umbridge off for as long as possible. Headmaster Dumbledore has authorised me to sit in on the meeting, you as well." He heaved in a sigh of heavy conflict. "If... If Professor Umbridge approaches a particularly unethical question, by a medical practitioner's standards, then I implore you to interrupt."

Madam Pomfrey nodded. "I shall discuss Aviana's state with Professor Umbridge before the meeting takes place. Her condition is my utmost priority." She replied decisively, turning towards the door when the Potions professor indicated the woman was waiting outside.

Snape didn't reply, turning towards Aviana on the bed, stalking over to stand before her, reaching for the newspaper she was still staring at. "Miss Rosier." He said, when he heard the door click close.

She looked up when that day's edition of the Prophet was snatched from beneath her nose. "Professor Snape." Aviana sat back against the pillows.

"Professor Umbridge has a few questions for you-"

"Because she thinks I helped get my father out of prison?" Aviana interrupted, folding her arms over her chest.

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