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-: fifth year :-


. . .

When Harry finished his first Occlumency lesson, the sting in his forehead was unmistakeable. Yet he turned away from the corridor leading to the library, where he knew Ron and Hermione had promised to be, and began to make his way up to the Prefects' bathroom. He hadn't been there since before the second task the previous year, when he had needed to open the golden egg and Cedric had hinted at how he could do it.

Now unaware of the password, as he was sure it had changed since he had been in there last time, with Aviana of course - he was certain that neither Hermione nor Ron had taken advantage of the Prefects' bathroom thus far, as both seemed entirely oblivious to it's existence at that moment with much more to focus on otherwise, but Aviana would take advantage of all opportunities handed to her - and so, he knocked on the door.

It took a few moments, but the door opened and Aviana appeared, pale skin slick with wet, swimsuit covered up with a robe. Her initials were inscribed in gold. 

"Finally." She rolled her eyes, pushing the door open. "Thought Snape had kidnapped you and locked you in the supply cupboard. You'd be surviving on newts brains and gillyweed."

"Glad to know you were worried." Harry replied, and pushed the door closed behind him. "It was awful. He's such a-"

"Greasy-haired twat?" Aviana blinked, making her way to sit down next to the bath. It was the size of a swimming pool, just like Harry remembered, but unlike last time he was there the water wasn't tepid and plain, but scented like lavender and bubbling, slightly purple and steaming. "I imagined he would be. I am... sorry, I didn't know when I suggested it that this would be the outcome." She looked uncomfortable, legs drifting into

Harry followed her, sitting on the ledge her back pressed again. "Don't worry about it." He brushed it off, despite the fact his scar was stinging and he felt as though Snape had combed through every memory he had with a sharpened knife. "What's in the Department of Mysteries?" He asked.

Aviana looked up at him, lips pursed. "What do you know about the Department of Mysteries?" She replied, her eyes narrowing. 

"I saw it when I went for my trial. I couldn't recognise it before, after the vision with Mr Weasley and the snake, but Snape-"

Aviana's gaze flickered away. "I can't tell you, Harry." She said. "I don't... I don't know how to explain why I wouldn't without telling you anything about it." Her arms crossed against her stomach. "Before it was out of spite considering that I didn't like you-"

"Lovely thing to hear from your girlfriend." Harry hummed, and she rolled her eyes. 

"However now that the Dark Lord is using Legilimency to invade your mind, well, it would be trouble for the Order. And... now that Snape is invading your mind as well in a ludicrous attempt to teach you Occlumency, I can't tell you that either." Aviana replied. "Because then he would know I told you, amongst other things."

"Fine." Harry didn't know what he expected with asking. Certainly not an answer, and so he found that he couldn't quite be disappointed in her response. A grin crept onto his face without warning. "Snape saw you kiss me."

He had never seen her move so fast, nor had he ever seen her embarrassed. Granted, she didn't look all that embarrassed when compared to anyone with the usual emotions and expression of a human being and not porcelain façade. But her eyes her gotten a little wider and she at least looked a little shocked.

"What do you mean he saw me kiss you? When? Which one? In front of Luna or in front of Umbridge?" She asked, eyebrows raised.

Harry let out a sigh. "In Grimmauld Place." He winced, saw her shaking her head. "The day Hermione arrived and interrupted."

Aviana let out a sigh. "I'm never getting a house point again." She breathed. "It's one thing in front of Draco or Umbridge, but Snape? Merlin." Aviana took a moment, thoughts racing before she managed to compose herself. "It's fine.  It doesn't matter, really, does it? He already knew it was happening... worst thing he can do is..."

And she didn't finish her sentence, eyes growing wide, somehow turning a shade more pale. "Oh Merlin." She repeated, fingers pushing into the fabric over her knee. "Fucking hell."

Harry shook his head. "You know it's really annoying when you do that." He said. "What, can't tell me?"

"Obviously not." Aviana's tongue pushed against her teeth, chin jutting out, lost in thought. "It's  fine. If word hadn't got there by now then it certainly will do." It made entirely no sense to him, but plenty of things Aviana said ever did, and he was certain that it would never be explained beyond those few words. "What else?"

Harry ignored that worry of ever actually understanding her, knowing her properly, beyond accepting that she to her core, Aviana was an extremely private person. "I'm really shit at Occlumency." He offered, with a chuckle. "Really bad. It's shocking, really. But I did manage to get him with a stinging hex."

"Really?" Aviana sat up, glad at the change of topic, welcoming it with ease.

"Yeah... I didn't really want him to see us kissing, 'cause, well, y'know." Harry didn't really understand why he was blushing at just the thought of it, and saying it aloud. He had kissed her, he had kissed her so many times and still it was something that made him flush, his ears turning red and warm. "It was private... and I thought that, that I didn't want him to see it, so I guess I accidentally hexed him."

"Harry," Aviana shook her head, smiling. He frowned, confused. "That's what Occlumency is."

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