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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The hat recieved scattered applause as it fell motionless again, the warnings in it's song enough to get the students muttering afterwards, wondering exactly what it meant. Usually it just described the houses, but if it was giving warnings - well who exactly knew?

The Sorting had began quickly after that, most students clapping as new first years were divided up into four. And like usual, the Slytherins were the most resigned, clapping politely but most feeling oddly sorry for the first years.

Each student in the house had dealt with the three other sets of students and their hatred for the house of green. There were odd moments of solidarity every so often, but it seemed like usual, it was the same always.

Perhaps hinted worse. One of the most infamous Slytherins was supposed to have returned. And whilst that was supposedly untrue, there was still that unease. The hat's song told them to unite, but as usual, that appeared impossible.

"Draco, would the warning have anything to do with these changes you mentioned?" Aviana's voice was smooth as she leant across the table, eyes meeting the cold ones across the table.

"How can you be sure?" Draco replied, raising his hands to clap as another first year was sorted into Slytherin. He didn't even wince as the signet ring crashed across his palm. "Father didn't specify what the Ministry were planning."

Eyes fluttered from his ring down to her own hand, Aviana lost focus on the Sorting, and instead thought of her own ring, the family crest - a blooming rose engraved into the centre. They were usually given to the songs of the family, but without one, William and Eleanora had given their daughter it.

Aviana had worn it through the beginning of her stay at 12 Grimmauld Place, and before then she had rarely taken it off - having held no doubt in her family heritage. But upon finding out her parents' weren't really hers, the ring had sat at the bottom of her Hogwarts trunk. 

An explosion of sound and colour surrounded her, and Aviana's gaze left her hand, looking around her to see platters upon platters of food. It seemed, everyone had been sorted and the feast had begun. 

She could feel another pair of eyes on her and she let her gaze flicker up to meet them. Rather surprisingly it was Harry, surrounded by Ron and Hermione and other Gryffindors, eating away at the food around them like nothing had ever changed. 

Aviana blinked once, twice, tilting her head slightly, questioning why he was staring. His shoulders jerked upwards in a shrug, eyes moving away back to the feast. He had been acting strangely since the day before, when he had picked up her prefect badge. She put it down to him pitying her. 

"You look confused." Blaise commented, and Aviana picked at her potatoes. "Something on your mind?"

"No, not really. I suppose.. I'm just shocked I got the badge. I mean - my dad goes to prison and I still get the position. And one of the people who sent him there is going to be teaching me Defense Against the Dark Arts." Aviana shrugged, biting down on the potato, a strange upset stirring in her stomach. 

"It'll end up fine." Pansy turned towards her, fork reaching out and taking a forkful of roast beef from her plate. "You should eat more, you barely ate anything when the food trolley came."

"Parkinson, you sound like her mother." Theo barked from down the table, far less dignified than the four sat just up from him. "Stop worrying over her. I'm sure Aviana knows how to take care of herself."

"It's only natural for me to be worried, Theo, who knows what Avi was eating when she was locked up in the manor all alone." Pansy smiled. "I may not usually be like this, but what can I say."

Aviana found herself smiling at Pansy, eating quitely as the savory turned to sweet, and soon enough the food disappeared altogether. As it did so, Dumbledore rose to his feet.

"Well, now that we are all digesting another magnificent feast, I beg a few moments of your attention for the usual start-of-term notices." Dumbledore began. "First years ought to know that the forest in the grounds is out of bounds to students — and a few of our older students ought to know by now too."

"Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me, for what he tells me is the four hundred and sixty-second time, to remind you all that magic is not permitted in corridors between classes, nor are a number of other things, all of which can be checked on the extensive list now fastened to Mr Filch's office door." The caretaker nodded at Dumbledore's words, glaring threateningly at any student who dared look his way.

"We have had two changes in staffing this year. We are very pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures lessons; we are also delighted to introduce Professor Umbridge, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore seemed polite as he said it, but the reaction from the students wasn't as enthusiastic.

"Cow." Aviana muttered, forcing her hands togther in fake applause, not wanting to be impolite to Grubbly-Plank, who did seem rather nice.

Dumbledore continued, "Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will take place on the-" He broke off, looking inquiringly at Professor Umbridge. As she was not much taller standing than sitting, there was a moment when nobody understood why Dumbledore had stopped talking, but then Professor Umbridge said, "Hem,hem," and it became clear that she had got to her feet and was intending to make a speech.

Dumbledore had been interrupted, and Aviana's fists tightened when she saw who by. She was beginning to get the feeling that this year at Hogwarts wouldn't be as easy as she hoped.

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