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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Perhaps Aviana wasn't going to shag Harry Potter right at that very moment. For starters, she didn't quite know where she would find him twenty minutes prior to the start of their detention. Secondly, whilst she had noticed the lingering stares, she was well aware of the air of tension that hung constantly between them and she was certain that even if she was dead-set on shagging him, he wouldn't quite be there yet. 

Nonetheless, she made her way up to Umbridge's office, dragging her feet as she went, and was somehow less than surprised when she rounded the corner onto the second-to-last corridor to find Harry leaning against the rough stone windowsill of an alcove, kicking his heels against the paved floor. 

"Anyone else and they might think you're too eager for this detention." She commented as she approached, coming to stand in front of him. He looked up at her, almost surprised she was there.

"I could say the same about you." Harry replied. "Little early, aren't you?" 

"Suppose so." Aviana said, her eyes flickering down the corridor on instinct, as though Umbridge would materialise and drag them into her office instantly. "Draco pissed me off and forced me to leave the comfort and sanctity of the common room." 

"I'm surprised he doesn't do that on a daily basis." Harry told her and she rolled her eyes, arms crossing over her stomach. "You've got to admit that he was at his least annoying when Moody turned him into a ferret." 

"Suppose so." She repeated. "Is there any reason you're early?" 

"Thought we should probably talk." He shrugged, pushing his hands into the pockets of his school trousers. "You know, about this whole agreeing with me thing." 

"And what about it?" Aviana said. "Are you going to complain about it too because I will abandon you with Umbridge a week early." 

"I'd rather you didn't." Harry said. "I'll be the first to admit that your company creates a little more comfort, when considering that I'm not going through carving lines into my hand alone." 

"Aww, Potter, anyone would think you've gone soft on me." Aviana smiled then, all too sweetly for her liking but she was slow to remedy it. "What exactly do you want to talk about?" 

"I just... well, I know you don't like Umbridge." He began.

The amber, almost golden light of the lamp behind them reflected in his glasses and it distracted her, for no more than a moment. "Understatement of the year." She added. 

"Yes, but I think you should perhaps reconsider this whole... thing." Harry breathed out. "I know you don't like her. That she put your dad in jail." 

"That's pretty low on my list of dislikes, actually." Aviana replied. "But go on."

"Well, considering that you are... who you are," Harry said, repeating a phrase she had used all too often, "you might want to reconsider just how openly you speak about Voldemort. Given that I'm sure your dad was there on the night of his... rebirth."

"Why the hell would you call it that?" She cringed, a shiver passing on through her body. "Yes. Correct. The Rosier name is closely associated with the Dark Lord, especially when considering my father is in his inner circle. Was. Perhaps, I'm not actually sure how much he values killing Muggles."

"I'm gonna hazard a guess and say it's pretty high up there." Harry murmured, pushing up his glasses as he looked up at her. "Just... I think you should be more concerned about the fact that you're a Rosier and... well... you weren't exactly complimenting Voldemort back there."

"You and Draco are thinking pretty similarly there, might want to retract that whole thing before I compare you properly." She said. Harry shook his head, a hand reaching up to brush hair out of his eyes. "What? Why is everyone all of a sudden concerned for my wellbeing? Does nobody trust that I know what I'm doing?" She scoffed. "Fine, whatever. Go on." 

"I don't have much more to say, just that I think you should be careful. And that Sirius agrees."

"Please," she scoffed, "he'd be doing the same thing if he had to deal with her, and he would have to face the wrath of his mother. You heard the screaming old hag, I'm guessing she had more up her sleeves than a bloody quill."

"Sure. Yeah, but-"

Aviana interrupted him amidst his complaints, hand planted over his mouth. His eyes widened behind his glasses, too shocked to do anything. 

"Potter, my conversation with Draco gave me an idea." She said rather suddenly, her eyes narrowed and sharp and she took a step closer to him.

"Brilliant, what is it?" He drawled, particularly sarcastically. 

"I should probably explain it more, but we don't really have time right now." Aviana's mind was moving a mile a minute, and perhaps she hadn't exactly thought it all the way through. "You want to piss her off, right?" She asked. He nodded, unable to do much else. "So, you're going to kiss me." 

He pulled her hand away from his mouth, fingers remained clasped around her wrist. "I'm what?" He repeated. 

"Fine, you need an explanation?" Aviana's focus seemed to be fixated on the end of the corridor, rather than the outlandish statement. "Fine. She hates me, she hates you. She thinks we hate each other, what better than making her think that we're shagging?" 

"We're what?"

"C'mon Potter," she shook her head, smirking, "you should know by now that stupidity is not on my list of turn ons." 

And as he heard that oh-so familiar, oh-so nerve-racking sound of pink kitten-heeled shoes on the stone, he looked up at Aviana one last time, and placed a rather hesitant hand around her waist. 

"You're gonna have to be a little more convincing than that." Aviana rolled her eyes, and as the clicking heels turned the corner her hand was in his hair and she was kissing him. 

And Godric, was she a good kisser.

i can be known for writing 
particularly lengthy slowburn 
and so here i am trying to remedy
that in a good 'ole fake dating trope 

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