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-: fifth year :-


. . .

When the next day came around, it became rather obvious that it would not be easy for neither Harry not Hermione to even approach the subject of Grawp with Ron. 

He was too deep within the euphoria of helping Gryffindor scrape the Gryffindor cup to focus on much else, and hardly settled all day. At breakfast, he was discussing it with Seamus and Dean, on the way to the library with Lavender and Parvati, on the way out of the library when they inevitably got kicked out because Ron just wouldn't shut up, and they eventually persuaded him to leave behind the castle in favour of studying under the beech tree at the edge of the lake, where there were less chances for distractions and less chance for Ron to keep wittering. 

That didn't seem to matter either way. Neither Harry nor Hermione seemed to be able to find it within them to interrupt his happiness with such a new grim reality of needing to look after Grawp... let alone find an opening. 

And Harry had other things to consider. He hadn't seen Aviana since the end of the Quidditch match, and last time he had done she had been pulling Blaise out of a crowd of Slytherins - and considering she had been all but ostracised from their pretentious community, it was an odd sight to see - and she had just lost the Quidditch Cup. 

He really had no gauge on just how serious she took Quidditch. It certainly sounded like she was easily as serious about it as Oliver Wood had been during his captaincy, and when he had played against her they hadn't yet made it past the remaining tenseness that had revolved around their relationship - they didn't have a relationship at all at that point, really. 

And yes, he had played against her year after year, and heard her talk about Quidditch often, saw her forge a sheet assigning her the position of Quidditch captain and... 

She was more than likely to be upset. 

Harry had plenty to be confused over. 

"C'mon, mate, it can't be that bad." Ron said, as they settled on the grass below the tree. He had not been overly keen on the idea at first, thoroughly enjoying being patted on the back by Gryffindors walking past his chair in the common room, not to mention the occasional outbursts of 'Weasley is Our King' taking over the common room, but eventually agreed that fresh air would be good for him. "Yeah... it's not great that Slytherin lost the Cup, but there's always next year, right?" 

"I just don't think she'll see it like that." Harry said vaguely. He thought, perhaps, that what she would be a little more upset over was that she had been dragged away from watching the game to traipse through the forest to be told she was going to have to look after some giant than simply losing. But he couldn't tell Ron that yet. "I saw her with Zabini yesterday-"

"Blaise Zabini?" Hermione repeated. "Did you know his mother has been married seven times and-"

"Yes. Aviana loves her." Harry replied. "He's a Chaser on the Slytherin team too..."

"So you think she's planning something?" Ron sat up. "Maybe steal some of our tactics, or-"

"I wouldn't steal any of your tactics even if they were useful, Ronald." Aviana appeared as if from nowhere, sitting down beside Harry. "I have no need for your tactics... whatever you believe they might be." 

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