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-: fifth year :-


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"Professor Dumbledore, lovely to see you. I don't often see you around here, first visit?" Aviana Rosier's tone was practically dripping with sarcasm as she descended down the staircase of the Rosier Manor; a dark building covered in ivy, positioned in the centre of county of Wiltshire. 

"Miss Rosier, I hope that your summer so far has been pleasing." Dumbledore decided to ignore the tone of the Slytherin girl and to take her words rather literally. 

"Suppose it has." Aviana replied, reaching the bottom of the staircase and waving her hand, a house-elf scuttling over, an arm outstretched to take Dumbledore's rather bright purple hat or cloaks - the headmaster standing out like a sore thumb in the dark house.

Dumbledore waved the house-elf away, and it disappeared into the shadows. It was rather well dressed despite it's treatment and status - wearing what seemed to be a black dress. How it had gotten that, nobody would be sure but despite the Rosiers' being a pureblood family, they didn't disregard their staff as many others did - Eleanora would make sure of that.

"I would ask Zolly to make you a cup of tea, or offer you some form of food, however I can guess what you're here for." Aviana was rather good at playing host, her haughty manner to be expected. 

"It has come to my knowledge that you returned to a full house, and then a month or so later you were home alone." Dumbledore waved his hand and two plush, dark green armchairs appeared in the empty space they were stood in.

"There is a living room in there." Aviana said, her voice monotone as she pointed towards one of the dark oak doors. Dumbledore simply sat down in reply, and with a sigh, Aviana sat opposite him. "You're right. My father was arrested and carted off to wizard hell and my mother went crazy and disappeared to France. But why exactly, Professor, does this warrant a home visit."

"As I'm sure you're aware, Miss Rosier, Hogwarts does not allow students to stay at Hogwarts over the summer holidays. This is so they are not alone. I'm sure you're understand where I am going with this?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

Aviana was an incredibly smart girl; of course she knew where the headmaster was going with this. "Malfoys, is it? I suppose it's my best option but Lucius really does prefer at least two days notice." Dumbledore shook his head and the girl's confidence faltered. "Don't tell me you're sending me to the Parkinsons. Pansy will drive me up the wall with her fussing and soon enough I will be joining my father in Azkaban for premeditated murder."

"No, not quite Miss Rosier. However you are going to stay with a relative." Dumbledore continued to ignore the snarky comments, and Aviana's face crumpled in confusion. 

"I refuse to go the France, just so you know. You already said no to the Malfoys - and you're not sending me to the Lestranges, they're all with my dad. What a shame, I have a feeling Bellatrix can be really fun around this time." Aviana cocked her head, looking over at Dumbledore.

But as it would turn out, Dumbledore wouldn't inform her who she was going to stay with, only telling her to pack two bags; her Hogwarts trunk and a bag for the rest of the summer - it was only the first week of August which gave her another month of the break to go. 

She did as he asked, and within the hour was back in the entrance hall of the house, where a multitude of house-elves and other staff stood in their matching dark uniform. Dumbledore stood to the side, pretending to admire a rather large marble statue of some old wizard as Aviana instructed the Rosier house staff exactly what to do in her absence. 

"I expect a letter every two days detailing everything you've done in the past two days." Aviana instructed one of the house elves who looked far more well dressed than the rest. "I am assuming that I can recieve and send letters in the mad house you're sending me to?" Aviana consulted Dumbledore, who nodded absentmindedly. Aviana finished her instructions and turned to Dumbledore. 

The headmaster took her Hogwarts trunk whilst Aviana held her summer bag, they stepped outside the mansion, the girl tucking some keys into her pocket. "Take my arm." Dumbledore said, and Aviana groaned. 

"Not apparating." She whined, all the same lifting her arm to place on Dumbledore's purple-clothed on. "I hate-" But she didn't get to finish as everything turned black, and a twisting sensation over came her, the feeling of force coming down from all directions.

She finally felt her feet hit the ground and she let go of Dumbledore's arm to catch her breath, leaning on her knees as she tried not to throw up. Another crack sounded, but she didn't bother to look up, trying to not throw up.

When she did, she was greeted by the sight of a London street, lit up the late evening sun. She was stood opposite a row of houses, and when she looked to each side of her - Dumbledore was gone. 

"I hate apparating." She finally finished her sentence, grumbling as she looked around. Beside her was her Hogwart's trunk, and on it, a small slip of paper. She picked up, reading it to herself. 

Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place.

Aviana went over the phrase, peering down the street to try and see the street name, confirming that they were in fact on that street. Then, she looked across the street, and frowned when she saw that there was only Eleven and Thirteen, no Twelve to be seen. 

 But as she thought of it again, between the two wrongly numbered house appeared another one, extremely grimy and dark in comparison to the pristine ones either side of it. 

Shrugging, Aviana stood up, picking up her two bags and walking towards the house, stepping up the worn front steps and stared at the silver knocker, that was shaped like a serpent. 

Confused to why there seemed to be nothing but the knocker on this door - no handle, no keyhole or small window or anything - she raised her had and lifted the knocker, once.. twice.. three times. 

Nothing happened for a few moments, no sign of life anywhere with the house, but suddenly the door pulled open and Aviana gasped, pointing up at the man who stood there.

"Didn't you get fired for being-" She began, before a hand was clapped over her mouth and she was pulled into Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. 

aviana is not a
pureblood supremacist
however she has
grown up with these beliefs
and with things
such as house elves and
i'm not just going to
ignore that so-

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