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-: fifth year :-


. . .

With the meeting all done with, the rest of the Hogsmeade visit was a breeze, and Aviana eased through the day naturally, somehow less annoyed with Draco than before, sitting merrily in the corner of the Three Broomsticks with a butterbeer and... a couple Firewhiskey shots, and with her arms slipped into the elbows of Pansy and Blaise, a little less able to walk than usual.

Certainly, it wasn't the best idea to get a little bit drunk on a Hogsmeade visit, but that hadn't stopped her. All she was going to do when she got back to the castle was lounge about in the common room with her friends, in a much more comfortable scenario than usual.

"Not far now, Avi." Pansy hummed.

"How many shots did you give her?" Blaise asked, as Aviana rested her head on his shoulder, getting tired from the long walk.

"Not that many." Pansy replied. "I think she just wanted to relax... this has been her only chance to not do anything, not Quidditch or work or argue with Draco or Umbridge in a while." She shrugged. "Right, Avi? All that arguing-"

"Merlin, it's exhausting!" Aviana agreed. "Everyone is so... everyone is being such a dick right now. And do you know who I hate?"

"Draco?" Blaise's eyebrows rose. Several paces ahead of them, the blond glanced back.

"No... no... he's just piss annoying." Draco breathed out and continued his conversation with Theo, Aviana waving her hand dismissively, stumbling a little before the same hand she had been waving about clamped down on Blaise's arm to steady herself. "Wow. Head rush. No, Zacharias Smith."

Pansy frowned. Above Aviana's head, she met Blaise's eyes, repeating the name silently.

Blaise just shrugged. "Yeah...  yeah, he's awful." He agreed. "Hufflepuff?" He whispered to Pansy, who nodded in recognition. "There – look, we're back at the castle."

"We are?" Aviana's gaze danced over the sight in front of her, nodding. "Yeah, yeah we are."

"Have you eaten today, Avi?" Pansy asked, concerned. Aviana shook her head. "You'll bring her down to the kitchen with me, won't you Blaise? Help her sober up?"

"That's probably for the best." Blaise nodded, and the two began to guide Aviana towards the Entrance Hall, leading her along in a quick fashion in hopes of avoiding any prying eyes of teachers or older students, who certainly would not approve of a fifth year getting drunk on a Hogsmeade visit, underage and mid-afternoon. "Come on..."

"That will not be necessary, Mr Zabini." Professor Snape appeared as though from nowhere, stern frown as always and in a sweep of black robes. "Miss Rosier has a meeting."

"Pardon?" Aviana blinked. "With who?"

Snape didn't reply. He looked to her friends, instead. "She is drunk, yes?" He asked, drily.

Pansy shifted nervously. "A little... but she hasn't eaten anything so-" And Snape gestured them forward, leading the way down to the dungeons and settling her down in an armchair in Snape's office, before the two friends were dismissed and sent back to the house.

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