˗ˋ 17

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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The silence was far too loud, and the tone of the conversation now awkward. Sirius stared silently at the head on the tapestry - the only naming it had being A.B.

"I had a girlfriend, before everything happened. We met at Hogwarts, of course. We weren't married like Lily and James, but she got pregnant before Lily did, and gave birth before her as well, of course. The baby survived but she didn't. And then I went to Azkaban." Sirius explained, eyes dull, and even Aviana raised a hand to cover her mouth, eyes wide and expression clearly shocked.

"So what happened to A.B?" Aviana asked, seemingly the only one who could speak. "Did they.. were they.. alright?"

"A little girl." Sirius looked over at her. "My girlfriend died in childbirth, but she survived. Sent off to an orphanage or some family that the Blacks are related to."

"Oh." Aviana said, faltering for a moment and the others stared at her. "Like the Malfoys or.. Um.. Lestrange or.." Her voice seemed to get higher.

"Is she finally broken? Experiencing the mental breakdown that we expected sooner than we thought?" One of the twins peered over at the girl, whose eyes just seemed to widen.

"Dumbledore said..I was staying with a relative." She mumbled, turning around and heading towards the door. "I thought.. oh Merlin. I need some.." She fanned herself with her hands, the other watching her. "I'm going for a walk." She announced.

Aviana didn't know exactly what was going on in her mind, but it was piecing it together. Nobody really explaining why she was staying with them, Molly's odd comments whilst arguing about her and Harry learning about about what had been happening over the summer - the odd comments her parents would make with strange connotations.

"Aviana - where are you going?" Molly asked, bustling out of the kitchen with a tray of sandwiches. "You're going out?" She asked, watched as Aviana headed towards the door. "Aviana Rosier! Where in the name of Godric's Gryffindor are you going?"

Aviana sighed, turning on her heel to look at Molly, the Weasley woman slightly taken aback when she saw the panic in the girl's face. "Come on." She said, putting down the tray. "There's a park across the street."

Debating it for only a second, Aviana decided that perhaps she did need some sort of motherly influence on this tornado of thoughts that were spinning around her head. She nodded, and Molly lead the way out of the front door, carefully closing it so not to wake Mrs Black.

They crossed the street and Mrs Weasley sat down on a bench, gesturing for Aviana to do the same. A quick glance upwards at Number 12 Grimmauld showed multiple people peering down at them, Aviana ignoring them and sitting down next to Mrs Weasley, pulling her sleeves over her hands.

"What happened?" Mrs Weasley asked, turning towards the girl. She hadn't really acknowledged Aviana since the night before, in which the Rosier girl had asked for her respect, and that was all. But it seemed that it had made sense, otherwise Aviana suspected they wouldn't be sat there.

The girl wiped her eyes, fiddling with her bracelet and trying to calm down, tapping her fingers on her knee. "We looked at the Black family tapestry." Aviana finally said, and Mrs Weasley nodded. "And Sirius has a child."

"He does." Mrs Weasley nodded, but it was a knowing tone rather than a questioning one, and Aviana had a feeling that her, and every other adult in the house, knew exactly what was going on.

But all the same, Aviana explained her thoughts. Dumbledore claimed she was staying with a relative, and Aviana had thought it was only distantly. There had been so many moments where she had thought that Sirius looked strangely similar to someone, and then how Molly had fought so hard for Harry's but when it came to Aviana, Sirius had control.

And in all those history and family lessons that she had when she was younger, there were strange inconsistencies that just didn't seem right - mostly the fact that there were absolutely no records of Aviana living with the Rosiers until she was at least one and a half - which just didn't make sense, because her mother was one to keep things like pictures and things like that.

"A.B. Aviana Black." The girl said, before looking slightly panicked. "I'm not wrong am I? Oh Merlin that would be so embarassing if I was wrong."

"I don't think I can tell you that." Molly said gently. "But I think you know who can. Come on." She continued, the two of them getting up and walking back towards the house. Aviana was silent, and in all honestly, the Weasley woman had expected an outburst.

But she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up, because as soon as they stepped through the threshold of the house, it was like a switch had flicked. "I can't believe you let me stand there and been so nice to me and now you're my stupid father." She shouted, sounded somewhat choked up as she went towards the stairs.

"Fucking hell this house is just full of bloody surprises isn't it." She continued, voice managing to rival the shrieks of Mrs Black's portrait, that had sprung to life once again. "Beheaded house elf heads. Vials of blood. Burning door handles and now my real father of all people. Oh won't you shut up you old, ugly hag!" Aviana turned around, staring down at screaming portrait, which seem to be subdued for the moment.

"Aviana-" One of the people in the crowd peeking out of the drawing room said, and the girl turned around to look at them.

"Don't you even dare. I'm going to be in my room for the next week at least. The door will be locked and you can send Kreacher or one of the twins to give me my meals because they don't stop apparating in there so I might as well invite them in." She shouted, stomping up the rest of the stairs until she got to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Leaving everyone in the house silent, Harry, the Weasleys and Hermione all staring at Sirius, who just seemed to stare into space.

i was really contemplating
when to reveal sirius as her
father but hey it works for the
plot whenever so hey here you go

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