˗ˋ 14

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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana was woken up the next morning by Sirius, told to get dressed and to and feed Buckbeak with him. She did so, wearing her usual sort of attire - the black pleated skirt and dark green jumper with her collar out. Fishnets were chosen and the heeled Mary Janes pulled out of the bottom of her bag. The usual amount of far too dramatic eyeliner was applied along with a few other things, and after brushing her hair she made her way up to the room Sirius had said he would be in. 

She knocked on the door before pushing it open, only slightly disturbed by the extremely loud sounds of eating inside. Of course, it wasn't Sirius making noises but Buckbeak, the Hippogriff. "I always wondered where he ran off to. Two convicts, huh?" Aviana asked, and Sirius held up another dead rat, laughing as she crinkled her nose before throughing it to the winged-creature. 

"You can thank your friend Malfoy for that." Sirius didn't sound entirely too happy, but Aviana shrugged it off. 

"You know what pureblood parents are like." She said simply. "Children as well." She eyed the blood on Sirius's hands and the dead rats in the bag. "Some don't turn out the way you expect them to, though." 

"Clearly not. I don't suppose either of your parents figured that their only daughter would be staying with people like us the summer before her OWLs year." Sirius shrugged, his face somewhat blank. "You can come in further, you know."

Up until then, Aviana had been stood in the doorway, leaning on the frame. "I think I'm ok.. I do want to have breakfast and I think if I come any closer I might throw up." 

"Fair enough. There's bread, fruit and cereal in the kitchen when you go down. But, I didn't ask you up here in order to talk about breakfast or feed Buckbeak - you might have heard about the cleaning mission that Molly has, by now?" Sirius asked, and at the mention of Mrs Weasley, her eyes widened. 

"Oh.. yes." She nodded.

"We all heard your little speech, by the way. Nice one - speaking up for yourself." Sirius said with a nod. The Rosier girl had been expecting more of a severe talking to than that, but she just nodded. "Either way, now that Harry is here, you might expect to be asked to help a little bit more." 

"Oh.. but-" Aviana's features now held a rather prominent scowl on them. "I've never cleaned something voluntarily in my life, and excuse me if I don't want the first thing to be doxies or some strange thing in this dust-ridden house." 

"You noticed, have you?" Sirius rolled his eyes. "Merlin knows what Kreacher has been doing all these years. Suppose mourning my brother - his face is still on the tapestry, considering the fact he didn't betray my parents' beliefs." 

"You had a brother?" Aviana asked, as Sirius threw one last dead rat to Buckbeak, patting the Hippogriff's beak before heading towards the door. 

"Regulus - his room is up here, so you won't have seen it. Considering your afinity for hiding away in your room like a fugitive." They began to walk downstairs, and voices were becoming clearer to hear - they were coming from the drawing room. "Now, Aviana, if you are asked for help and wish to decline, the least you can do is sit there and read this." 

Sirius handed her a rather heavy book. "I think Remus saw your lack of enthusiasm towards.. well anything and heard about the library incident. It's a book on magic creatures - the type to infest your home. You can help them figure out what's best."

"I think Mrs Weasley already has that covered." Aviana said, as they reached the door into the drawing room, peering in to see Mrs Weasley having the others put to work, covering their faces with cloths as they sprayed the curtains with a large bottle of black liquid. 

"Kreacher's really old, he probably couldn't manage —" They heard Hermione say as Sirius walked in first, and behind him Aviana rolled her eyes. What was her whole thing with house-elves? It was what they lived to do, Aviana had seen one too many incidents when a house elf was accidentally let go - many begged their employers to take them back on - it was simply what they loved to do.

"You'd be surprised what Kreacher can manage when he wants to, Hermione," said Sirius, who entered the room carrying the bloodstained bag of dead rats. "I've just been feeding Buckbeak," he added, in reply to Harry's inquiring look. "I keep him upstairs in my mother'sbedroom. Anyway, this writing desk..."

He dropped the bag of rats onto an armchair, then bent over to examine the locked cabinet which, Aviana now noticed was shaking slightly. Whilst Sirius inspecting the cabinet, Harry's gaze drifted over to the doorway, seeming to be the only person that had noticed her stood there. His gaze slid down to the bag of rats, and she looked rather offended.

"Potter, if you truly think I would go anywhere near those rodents then your instincts are off. Seriously, the boy who lived and he can't figure out that the spoilt rich brat living in the room next door would rather die then touch a rat, dead or alive." Aviana sighed, stalking into the room and using her foot to move the bag onto the floor, using one of the rags on the side to wipe the armchair before sitting down on it, crossing her legs and placing the book on her lap. 

She studied the cover for a moment, before sitting bolt upright, the sudden movement causing everyone but Sirius to over to her, the older man still peering into the desk. "Sirius you did not just give me a book by this.." Aviana paused, careful of what language she used. "..Idiot. He faked it all - did anyone tell you anything about him teaching? I refuse to read this." She stood up, the book remaining on the armchair.

"Sit back down." Sirius said, straightening up. "Well, Molly, I'm pretty sure this is a boggart, but perhaps we ought to let Mad-Eye have a shifty at it before we let it out — knowing my mother it could be something much worse." 

Molly replied, and it was in such polite tones that it was clearly all fake, the two adults trying to be civil around each other since the previous night's arguement. 

A loud, clanging bell sounded from downstairs, followed at once by the cacophony of screams and wails that had been triggered the previous night by Tonks knocking over theumbrella stand. 

"I keep telling them not to ring the doorbell!" said Sirius exasperatedly. "Aviana, if you're not going to sit there and read the book to find helpful solutions, then I suggest you pick up a bottle of doxycide and get to work."

He hurried out of the room, and everyone looked towards the girl, who was staring at the black bottle of doxycide, then at the book written by Gilderoy Lockhart, considering her options. Then she glanced up at the others, a scoff escaping her lips as she took in their appearances before sitting back down in the chair, book opened on her lap and bag of dead rats by her feet. 

reminder that aviana
is a pureblood and grew
up with house elves and
those beliefs

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