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-: fifth year :-


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"Isn't this nice?" Aviana hummed, allowing their staring for a moment more before she crossed the threshold into the group, leaving the door behind and bypassed a few of the staring Ravenclaws. "

"Stop scaring them." Hermione replied, rolling her eyes. "She's not going to tell anyone about this, she agrees with everything that Ron and I have been telling you."

"Boo, you're no fun." Aviana came to a stop by the bar, the bartender looking up at her expectantly. "Can you make a Snakebite?" She asked, he stared at her. "You know, lime juice, that one tequila with the gnome on it... Triple sec... elderflower cordial?" The bartender nodded, and in a moment she was paying him and had a drink in her hand, sipping from the small straw as she came to stand by Harry, leaning against the table behind him.

"Aren't you a prefect?" Ron asked, under his breath. "Hermione wouldn't let me get a Firewhiskey-"

"You want a Firewhiskey?" Aviana asked, and just as she was about to motion to the bartender, Harry pulled her hand back. "Hey!"

"Everyone has a butterbeer?" Hermione said, her voice raised as she addressed the group and Aviana fell silent. She turned to Harry. "They just want to hear what you have to say." She reassured him. "You don't have to say anything yet, I'll speak to them first. Give a bit more context to her being here."

"Her?" Aviana repeated. "Her? I have a name. Why do you have to give context why I'm here? Everyone knows that I've been agreeing with Harry in every matter that I possibly can because I'm simply taking a stand. If I agree with Harry then why do you need to explain what I'm doing here?" She took a sip of her drink, the volume of the cocktail within in it dropping quite dramatically.

"In case you haven't noticed, you make people uneasy." Hermione hissed and turned back to the group. "Er," she said, her voice slightly higher than usual - more nervous than she had expected to be. "Well - er - hi." Aviana sat there silently, noticed a few furtive eyes glancing over at her, found the gaze of none other than Cho Chang resting on Harry, not looking half as anxious about her presence. Silently, she crossed her legs and found herself just close enough for Harry's arm to brush against her. And then he didn't move, her hand reached out to trace patterns on the exposed skin at the nape of his neck. Cho, pointedly, looked away.

"Well... erm... well, you know why you're here. Erm... well, Harry here had the idea - I mean - Harry had thrown her a sharp look, "I had the idea - that it might be good if people who wanted to study Defence Against the Dark Arts - and I mean, really study it, you know, not the rubbish that Umbridge is doing with us."  Hermione's voice hardened, became suddenly much stronger and more confident. "Because nobody could call that Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Hear, hear," a Ravenclaw... Aviana wanted to call him Anthony, spoke up, and Hermione looked heartened.

She pushed on. "Well, I thought it would be good if we, well, took matters into our own hands. And by that, I mean learning how to defend ourselves properly, not just theory but the real spells-"

"You want to pass your Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. too though, I bet?" Michael Corner piped up. Aviana glared at him, and his expression faltered.

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