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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Being back in her uniform only boosted Aviana's confidence, and with the sound of the rest of her house clapping and cheering, the Slytherin team made their way through the tunnel and out onto the pitch to await their competitors, confident as always in the face of three houses culminating to profess their hatred of them in boos and hisses.

She held her Nimbus tightly as she stood, awaiting the beginning the match, face set in utmost confidence between Pucey and Montague, as Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Bletchley positioned themselves besides the rest of the team.

It was not long until Gryffindor joined them, marching out onto the field to stand opposite them, awaiting the beginning of the match. She met Harry's eye and she winked all-to teasingly for his liking and he forced himself to do nothing, instead focusing on how Ron had turned an almost deathly shade of pale as he finally came face to face with the opposition.

Madam Hooch did not waste any time, stalking out to stand between the two times as the line-ups stood opposite one another, finally. "Captains, shake hands." She instructed, and Montague and Angelina stepped forward to do so, although it looked like Montague was trying his best to crush her hand into a jelly of broken bones. "Mount your brooms..." Hooch continued, and watched as each of the players did, slowly raising to circle around her on the ground.

The woman waited a beat, before she placed her whistle between her lips and blew, the shrill noise combined with the familiar clicking of locks as the balls were released and Aviana urged her broom forwards, catching the Quaffle only a moment before Angelina did.

"And we're off!" From the stands, their forever comedic commentator, Lee Jordan shouted into his microphone. "Looks like Rosier has the Quaffle first, unlucky Angelina - now this is quite an interesting match, because rumour has it that this Slytherin Chaser and the Gryffindor Seeker have started to-"

"Jordan!" McGonagall's voice was sharp and disruptive, and Aviana grinned as she weaved easily between Alicia Spinner and Angelina's approaches, throwing directly to Adrian for the briefest of moments as she escaped them, and she received the Quaffle again.

"Quaffle to Pucey, then Rosier again, and she's nearing the goal... she's nearing the goal and she... scores through the third hoop, looks like the ball skimmed the sides as well." Jordan announced, with a rise in cheers from Slytherin. "And the ball's back in play, looks like Angelina's got it. Lovely girl, really, brilliant player - still won't go out with me and in retrospect makes me wonder how Harry landed-"

"Jordan, that is enough!" McGonagall interrupted. "I must insist upon no personal details or comments are added!"

"Just thought it added a bit of interest." Lee hummed, and the crowds murmured, agreeing. But nonetheless, Lee looked as though he feared the microphone being taken from him and thus, pushed on without. "Now, after the first goal of the game, no more than a minute in and it's ten-nil to Slytherin. Johnson's got the Quaffle as it came into play again and... and she's ducked Montague, passed Pucey, she's – ouch! – been hit from behind by a Bludger from Crabbe. Tough luck Angelina!"

Aviana rolled her eyes, the chase back on as Lee continued, following behind Katie Bell, who then reverse-passed to Alicia Spinner. Something zipped past her ear, leaving a whistling trail as it went. "Fuck off, Goyle. Don't aim the fucking Bludgers at me you gormless twat!" She yelled.

"And there's that undisguised Slytherin aggression. I'm beginning to understand Potter now, Rosier seems perfectly charming." Lee's voice rang in Aviana's ears and it took all her might to not say anything. 

"Jordan!" Came McGonagall's warning tone. 

"Alright... alright, I have been advised to warn onlookers that there will be some foul language used within the game. Now... Spinnet has the Quaffle dodges Warrington, avoids a Bludger - close call, Alicia - and the crowd are loving this, just listen to them, what's that they're singing?" And as Lee paused to listen the song rose loud and clear from the sea of green and silver in the Slytherin section of the stands. 

Aviana knew exactly what they were singing. Draco had come up with it, of course, and having heard nothing but that stupid song in the days prior to the match she was able to tune that out quite skilfully. Alicia, however, didn't have much practise and as she flew beside the Slytherin quarter of the stands she became distracted. Montague shouted to her, as if she hadn't spotted the opportunity from a mile a way and swerved hastily, just a split second too behind to intercept and Angelina seized the Quaffle as Spinnet expected.

 "Come on now, Angelina - looks like she's got just the Keeper to beat! - SHE SHOOTS - SHE - aaaah..." Lee's voice died down in their ears as Bletchley, the Slytherin Keeper, had saved the goal; he threw the Quaffle to Pucey who sped off with it, zigzagging in between Alicia and Katie; the singing from below grew louder and louder as he drew nearer and nearer Ron. 

"Fucking pass it, Pucey." Montague warned, as both he and Aviana neared him. "Fucking pass it!" 

"Merlin." Adrian rolled his eyes. "Go on then, Rosier, get somewhere where I can 'fucking pass it'." 

"Salazar." Aviana pushed to the right, dipping below Katie and spinning upwards. "Pass it then." She said, and reached out below to grab it. "Dickhead." She murmured, diving back down in front of him and bypassing another hit of a Bludger towards her, although this time it wasn't from Goyle, but instead Fred, who was smirking as he flew to retrieve it 

"So it's the second test for new Gryffindor Keeper, Weasley, brother of Beaters, Fred and George - one of which just sent that Bludger to Rosier and missed... I can't tell which from here, sorry boys -- and a promising new talent on the team - come on, Ron!"

He was watching Aviana like a hawk, unlike anything she had seen before, and despite the fact that they were somewhere somewhat near to be friends, Aviana began to tilt her broom just a little to the left, just enough to make it look like she was going for the left hoop and when she got close enough, arm raised, about to throw...

Ron dived to the left and with her free hand she sharply turned her broom to the right, the Quaffle sailing straight through the middle of the right hoop and and she scored.

"Again, with Rosier, Slytherin score!" came Lee's voice amid the cheering and booing from the crowds below. "So that's twenty-nil to Slytherin - bad luck, Ron."

And the Slytherins sang even louder.

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