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Aviana Rosier wouldn't label her childhood or family as difficult until she left it

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Aviana Rosier wouldn't label her childhood or family as difficult until she left it. But, she supposed, in comparison to many others, the Rosier family were pretty well functioning.

There was only the three of them, and it always had been. William Rosier came from a long line of purebloods, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. He had met Eleanora Ren, another pureblood whilst on a visit to France. Despite his parents disliking that she was French for whatever reason, she had pure blood, and so was accepted into the family. 

Of course, it had been an overly extravagant wedding, in the grounds of the Rosier mansion in Wiltshire. The married couple would live in their own home just outside of the grounds of the mansion for around a year, and when William's parents passed away after a particularily nasty situation had taken place they moved in there.

They had a child soon, a young girl named Aviana.

The early years of Aviana's life would consist of her seeing mostly her mother, as her father disappeared to Merlin knows where. Because, of course, William was a Death Eater. Of course, on day he ended up at home a lot more, something the child wouldn't understand for a while.

But as Aviana grew older, she learnt more and more about just how important her family was. It started when she first got her tutor. She was about seven at the time, and her parents would disappear for hours on end. Her tutor would hold lessons in the library, and when the tutor would leave, she would be alone for an hour or two.

And every single one of those hours she would spend pouring over books within that library. Which was where she learnt all about the history of her family. And it caused a rather strange conversation between her parents that night.

But from then, she took on the beliefs of her family; whether she would grow up to truly think that way or not. And so, Aviana would grow up in the pureblood household, reading books on the history of her family, and others like it as well as the wizarding world that she lived in. 

Aviana would move through several tutors, getting some for various subjects. Her mother would teacher her piano, whilst her father would let her help him file the documents he worked with - Aviana knew her mother worked in the Ministry, but never would find out what her parents worked as.

The girl would also learn how to ride horses and paint; getting lessons from the various staff that her parents hired. Aviana was certain that she had read every single book in that library, and despite having her imagination and staff to keep her company, the girl was unbearingly lonely.

It was then when Eleanora would decide to introduce her daughter to the son of one of her friends, Narcissa Malfoy. And from then on, Aviana Rosier and Draco Malfoy would be friends, and started to share the same tutor; adding French onto the list of their various other subjects.

And then, when they turned eleven, they would recieve their Hogwarts letters. So, Draco and Aviana would go to Hogwarts, and their first year was.. rather interesting, but clearly the most tame of what was to come.

In their first year the both of them were sorted into Slytherin, as expected. In their house, they would meet various others. Twins Cynthia and Pansy Parkinson, one of whom Aviana would get on a lot more, Blaise Zabini and Draco would aquire two cronies; Crabbe and Goyle.

Their first year consisted of taunting Gryffindors, attending Quidditch matches and adjusting to school life. The only really interesting thing that happened was that Draco had invitited Aviana to a midnight fight, and also to go and find Harry Potter, who he had heard talking abour it. They would get detention, and Draco, Aviana and several Gryffindors would end up going into the Forbidden Forest, where Harry, Draco and Aviana would encounter something eating a unicorn.

It would come to a close in June, and Harry Potter would discover the truth about Professor Quirrel, and when Aviana returned home, she found something that told her just what her dad was - a death eater.

Second year the Chamber of Secrets had been opened, and muggleborns were attacked all over the castle. Third year Aviana got onto the Quidditch team and Sirius Black escaped, and to their knowledge was still out there. Fourth year was by far the most exciting for her.

It began with her, her father, Draco and Lucius attending the Quidditch World Cup. The match was incredible, but afterwards chaos ensued. Death Eaters stormed the campsite, and Aviana could only hope she didn't know any of them - watching with Draco as the Dark Mark appeared and the Death Eaters disappeared. 

They returned to Hogwarts to the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrived, and Aviana found herself in a fling with a boy from the school pretty early on. 

Of course, Harry Potter's name was pulled out of the goblet and had to compete. It seemed to be going ok - all up until Cedric Diggory arrived dead at the end of the final task.

Potter had told everyone just how Cedric had died, and whilst many chose to ignore him, Aviana believed him. She knew exactly what happened during that trial, and it shook her up, upsetting her more than any other of her friends.

Her year seemed to just get worse, as she would return home and after just a month or so, both of her parents were gone. Barty Crouch Jr had mentioned her father's name during his confession, and so he had been taken away to Azkaban. She had woken up one morning to her mother having disappeared and left only a note explaining she had gone back to France for a while. 

It was then that Dumbledore would turn off and take her away for the rest of the summer. She was to stay at 12 Grimmauld Place, with Sirius Black - who was still supposedly alive, seeing as she was related to him. 

And so, Aviana would have to deal with that and everyone in the house for the rest of the summer, praying for school to come quickly.


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