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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The hours seemed to pass slowly, seeming to especially drag when all that could be thought or talked about was Harry's trial. And considering how the Ministry and the Wizarding world was acting towards Harry these days, it even had Aviana worrying.

But when the door closed and the next sound that could be heard was excited yelling, some form of singing and loud stamping - Aviana knew that Harry hadn't been expelled.

"Dumbledore was probably there." She muttered to herself, standing up and standing in front of the mirror. Tugging the slightly creased skirt down, she made her way down to the kitchen, moving out of the way as Mr Weasley left and Mrs Weasley were stopping Fred, George and Ginny from doing their little celebratory dance.

Her boots clinked against the wood as she approached the narrow entrance to the kitchen, and just as she walked down into the room, Harry clapped a hand over his scar, wincing.

She felt rather out of place as she looked around, Harry with Ron and Hermione, the twins and Ginny still singing joyfully. Upon Mrs Weasley yelling at them to shut up again, they finally fell quiet, and as George was unlinking arms with his siblings, the impromptu war dance over, he finally spotted her in the doorway.

"Lovely to see you sporting Gryffindor colours, Aviana." He commented, voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Representing your heritage." Fred continued, eyes flickering over to Sirius, who was stood by one of the dressers.

"Not everything has to do with house colours, George. And even if I there were a possibility of me wearing it for any of those reasons, I wouldn't be. I happen to have a rather nice necklace with a gem in this colour, but it seems I left it at home." Aviana replied, and the twins simultaneously raised their eyebrows.

"So she speaks. I think that's the most you've said to anyone in the past few days." Ron muttered, and Aviana restrained the urge to hit him over the back of the head. "Harry didn't get expelled, bet you're absolutely horrified at the news."

"I already told Harry how I felt about him being expelled this morning." Aviana retorted, and Hermione and Ron glanced at Harry, looking nervous. "I'm guessing I'll have to thank Dumbledore for not putting me out of my misery next time I see him."

"What is she on about?" Ron looked over to Harry, who murmured his reply. "So you didn't want Harry expelled so you wouldn't get annoyed by your little boyfriend?"

"Draco isn't my boyfriend, Ronald - he's my third cousin." She trailed off as she sat down on the bench, in the space between where the twins were sitting and where the trio was sitting.

"I'd rather have Blaise." Her eyes flickered in amusement, and despite their disgust, all of the onlookers were rather surprised to find her actually smiling down at her lunch as Molly passed plate along.

Over the next few days, they all were subjected to cleaning again, and whilst Aviana wasn't exactly included in that, she did often help out the tiniest bit, but only after Sirius would ask her to.

"You're upset, aren't you?" It was nearing the end of the holiday, and Aviana had been sent up to Buckbeak's room to fetch Sirius for lunch. She wasn't used to being told what to do, but they had all become a lot more comfortable with her being around, and she felt the same.

Aviana didn't like any of them anymore than when she first appeared, and Sirius was really the only person she did like. After learning about, well, everything to do with him being her father, she had rather enjoyed spending time with him.

Less and less of that had happened since Harry returned from his trial, and after overhearing a conversation between Harry, Ron and Hermione, Aviana knew why. She just hadn't had the courage to ask him about it until now.

"Why would I be?" Sirius replied, looking up from Buckbeak. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Now I can see it." Aviana's head tilted to the side. "I've definitely done this on several situations. Enough about me though, you're upset because Harry didn't get expelled."

"How could I be upset about that?" Sirius threw another dead rat at Buckbeak, who gulped it down. "I'm very happy he gets to go back to Hogwarts."

"No, you're upset because you thought about him living here if he did get expelled. And then Dumbledore swooped in and saved him again. I don't blame you for it, this house isn't the greatest place." Aviana sat down against the wall, making sure there was nothing dirty or remotely bloody about it.

"It's pretty shit." Sirius nodded. "Why are you talking to me about this, I would've expected Molly or something - given me more of a lecture and told me to get my act together."

"Because I understand." Aviana shrugged. "I spent the month or so in the manor with only the staff, and I used to actually like it. And, much to Mrs Weasley's despair, you do see Mr Po.. James in Harry."

"You're speaking as if you know him." Sirius said, getting up and picking up the sack of dead rats. Aviana scrambled up, dusting herself off.

"I don't need to know him." The same attitude was back. "God, all I hear every potion lesson is Potter this Potter that. 'Potter, all you do is strut around like your father, your father was just like this'" She quoted Snape, and Sirius laughed. "It's not funny, it's bloody annoying. And Potter doesn't help himself at all."

"It took you all of two minutes to switch back to normal." Sirius said, coming to a stop by her, hurriedly wiping his hands on his trousers and reaching out, hestiating before messing up her hair.

"Oi!" Aviana screeched. "This took me forever to do!"

But her annoyance didn't translate to the smile on her face.

aviana's a really fun
character to write but i
worry i make her too soft at
times, like a this bit with
sirius, it's the first time she's
ever really done that but

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