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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Harry couldn't help but think about what Aviana's final few words to him the night before until he fell asleep that night. He hadn't seen her at breakfast for a long time, but to his surprise, as he followed Hermione and Ron down into the Great Hall the next morning he found Aviana not at the Slytherin table, but rather right in the middle of the Gryffindor table, stirring her coffee.

And it continued on like that, as she spent less and less time with anyone in Slytherin and making a point of it. She remained very much as she had been, except there seemed to be an entire lack of care given to majority of things - specifically the appearance of any care at all to upholding the expected Slytherin beliefs.

She still dressed the same, and acted the same, harassing Umbridge at any given moment, sending snarky comments towards anyone who tried anything with her - especially Cho and Zacharias Smith - and still had the ability to concentrate on her work, teaching herself two subjects at once, and was still displaying that chaotic, intense house pride that led to threats of violence.

Harry found himself gladly awaiting Valentines day. January passed in a blur, and soon enough the first Hogsmeade visit was upon them. Under Umbridge, as High Inquisitor, there was only a hint of the frivolity of the past holidays, no sign of the dwarfs dressed as cupid that would quickly come under the tutorage of Peeves and shoot arrows at students until the school descended into chaos, but what remained was the lurid pink decorations, flowers and hearts and confetti.

Which, as Harry found out as he made his way to breakfast, Aviana had been in charge of - and apparently it had been a little intense, Hermione going so far as to compare it to the Muggle army. It seemed Malfoy was no more impressed than any of them, and his dirty looks caused him to bear the brunt of her frustration at their shared inability to correctly put up decorations. His expression at breakfast had been a picture, shoving Theodore Nott every time the holiday was even mentioned.

Unlike the past few weeks, Aviana didn't arrive at breakfast, ready to sit amongst the Gryffindors and drink her coffee in near silence, refusing any food. Instead, it appeared as though she was to meet him in the Entrance Hall before they all left for Hogsmeade, and when Harry emerged from the Great Hall, she was leant across a pillar across from him, examining her nails.

And, well, since Hermione and Ron had seen her organising the Valentines decorations the night previous, some things had changed. Namely, and the very thing that made Harry actually stare, was that her hair was red.

It was a red, pretty and warm, somehow longer and glossier than it had been the last time he saw her. And it was red - not a bright red like he was used to seeing in the Gryffindor colours but a deep cherry instead, smooth and almost pin-straight down her back, but some curling appreciatively around her face. It seemed to make all her outfits even prettier, but this one was clearly geared more towards the date at hand; a tweed skirt and pink cardigan that tied in a bow at her waist, a white blouse, tights and some kind of heeled shoes, leather the same brown as her skirt.

"Good morning." Aviana smiled amicably as she made her way over. The expression changed in an instant. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him.

"No - nothing." Harry shook his head. "Just... your hair?" He offered, hoping that he didn't sound as confused as he was. "It's red."

"Yes, well done." Aviana replied. "I decided it was a time for a change, that everything about me is far more interesting and I needed to adjust that."

"What exactly was holding you back before?" Harry asked, trying to discreetly bat away Ron's look of confusion as he and Hermione walked on ahead. 

"Just the whole house pride thing." Aviana shrugged. "But I wasn't exactly going to dye my hair green, was I?" 


"No, I wasn't. It's not the right colour for my complexion and besides, green clothes with green hair? A nightmare. Red goes with everything." Aviana continued. Harry nodded in agreement, blindly - he truly thought she would look good with any coloured hair, but if she supposed it would look bad then he wasn't going to disagree - as they too joined the crowds of upper years heading towards the courtyard, and the gates that led down to Hogsmeade. 

"Where do you want to go?" Harry asked, as they emerged out into the cool, late winter breeze. "Someone told me about this place, Madam-"

"We're not going to Madam Puddifoot's. Who told you about that, was it Fred?" Aviana asked, looking over at him. Harry nodded. "He has it out for you. If you're ever going on a date and a girl doesn't ask to go to Madam Puddifoot's, don't mention it." 

"So this is a date?" 

"Of course it is, idiot." Aviana replied. "Did you think I was lying every time I told Cho to fuck off because you have a girlfriend? Just never suggest we go to Madam Puddifoot's again and... everything should be fine."

"So, The Three Broomsticks then?" Harry offered, and she nodded.

But he couldn't ignore how she kept glancing around, an uncertain glint in her eye.

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